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Exclusive: Afghanistan Chief Executive Vows US 'Blood and Treasure' Won't Go to Waste

Friday, March 27, 2015 - 7:45am

Exclusive: Afghanistan Chief Executive Vows US 'Blood and Treasure' Won't Go to Waste

News: In an exclusive interview with The Daily Signal, Afghanistan’s chief executive promised a "new chapter" in relations with the United States and vowed that his country has to become self-reliant after more than 13 years of American nation-building.

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Indiana Protects Religious Liberty. Why That's Good Policy.

Daily Policy Focus: It protects the fundamental freedom of Indiana citizens from unnecessary and unreasonable government coercion.

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DeMint at Yale: Academic Censorship as a Political Weapon

Commentary: The easiest way to win an argument is to tape your opponent’s mouth shut. Too many educators today think this is a good idea. They think that their own righteousness sanctifies these tactics.

Read the Remarks and Watch the Speech

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