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3 Scenes From Rescue Effort and Flooding in Houston

Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - 10:15am
The Daily Signal

Aug. 29, 2017

Good morning from Washington. Rachel del Guidice talks to local residents and law enforcement in Houston who are rescuing those affected by Harvey, as well as a woman whose house was flooded. Fred Lucas looks at how military equipment is being used in the Harvey efforts, while John Malcolm explains how the White House's move to boost police's access to such equipment will increase safety. Plus: Katie Tubb analyzes why President Trump may choose to take action on some federal lands' status.


3 Scenes From Rescue Effort and Flooding in Houston


"It started out with two people … and then we just started taking on as many people as we could fit in the boat," says Michael Montalbano. "We rescued some dogs, elderly people, kids, everybody."

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Why Trump Was Right to Reverse Obama's Policy on Military Equipment for Police


A study released earlier this month concludes that a "10 percent increase in the total value of military aid [given to a community] leads to a decrease of 5.9 crimes per 100,000 population."

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Conservatives Push for Democrats to Stop Obstructing Trump Judicial Nominees


"We've also seen the Democrats ratcheting up the level of gridlock and obstruction because they know that they need liberal judges in the courts to advance their agenda," says Carrie Severino of the Judicial Crisis Network.

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Why Trump's Upcoming Decision on Federal Lands Matters


President Trump is considering the need to reduce the size of, or altogether eliminate, some national monuments.

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As Surplus Military Equipment Is Used in Houston, White House Changes Policy Enacted After Ferguson


President Trump "is rescinding restrictions … that limited your agencies' ability to get equipment ... including life-saving gear like Kevlar vests and helmets and first responder and rescue equipment like what they're using in Texas right now," says Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

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What 1 Charity Organization Is Doing to Save 1 Million Unborn Babies


"We know from experience that a woman who sees an ultrasound image of her child is highly likely to keep her baby," says Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus.

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