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Friday, March 3, 2017 - 2:00pm

Love UT Give UT 2017

Starting March 1st show your love for Utah by donating to your favorite Nonprofit through the Love UT Give UT online giving platform. All donations made from March 1st - March 30th will count toward the big day! March 30th will be the culminating 24 hour giving event that offers hundreds of nonprofits the opportunity to raise millions of dollars.

At the February 21st launch party, Mark Miller Subaru announced that one lucky winner will drive away in a 2017 Subaru Impreza after the March 30th event. All eligible donors who make a donation to a nonprofit through Love UT Give UT between March 1st and March 30th will be entered to win a 3 year lease on a brand new 2017 Subaru Impreza.

Scholarship Applications Now Available

Scholarship applications are now available for the 2017-2018 school year. There are currently 10 scholarships available. The application deadline is April 7th, so don't delay! Check out the available scholarships below. If you need assistance with the online application process please contact

You can also find a full list of our scholarships and the online applications at:

Housing and Homelessness Prevention Fund Grant Opportunity

The 2017 grant is targeted to provide operational funding for nonprofit organizations focused on facilitating access to existing healthcare services for individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness; this grant is not intended to support direct-care projects. Priority will be given to organizations collaborating with community partners.

Apply Now

Senior Charity Care Foundation
Receives $50,000

On February 6, 2017, Senior Charity Care Foundation received a check for $50,000 from the Utah Fund, a fund of the Community Foundation of Utah, to provide a capital investment for the Project Thrive, which is a capacity building project that aims to increase accessibility and affordability of dental care for vulnerable and marginalized seniors throughout Utah. This grant was made through the Social Investors Forum a unique funding program of the Community Foundation of Utah.

OSBA to host Utah Symphony performance of Pictures at an Exhibition


Ogden, UT — Ogden Symphony Ballet Association will present the Utah Symphony on April 6 for its final Masterworks concert of the season. The Utah Symphony will perform Modest Mussorgsky’s dynamic and imaginative Pictures at an Exhibition as well as Edward Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1, Elgar’s Violin Concerto, and Maurice Ravel’s Frontispice. The performance will feature Thierry Fischer as conductor and Fumiaki Miura as guest soloist.


Mussorgsky composed Pictures at an Exhibition in 1874, shortly after the death of his close friend Victor Hartmann. Hartmann was an architect and artist, and a posthumous exhibition of Hartmann’s works inspired Mussorgsky to compose Pictures. Each piece musically depicts one of Hartmann’s paintings, from the haunting Catacombs to the humorous Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks to the dramatic Hut on Hen’s Legs. Maurice Ravel subsequently orchestrated Mussorgsky’s piano composition, and the Utah Symphony will perform this orchestration.


At only 23, guest violinist Miura is well acquainted with many of the world’s leading orchestras and stages. His wide range of repertoire and copious performance experience makes Miura the ideal violin soloist for Pictures. In his third performance with the Utah Symphony, Miura is expected to woo audiences with his precision and musical sensitivity.


Thierry Fischer will be joining Miura on stage to conduct the Utah Symphony. Fischer has been the music director of the Utah Symphony for eight years. During that time, Fischer has reinvigorated the symphony with creative repertoire and new recordings.


Pictures at an Exhibition will be performed on April 6 at the Val A. Browning Center at Weber State University. Tickets start at only $10 and can be purchased over the phone at 801-399-9214, in person at 638 26th Street in Ogden, or online at


Hate crimes among the disabled & Jewish communities

Jonathan Carey "Champion for the Disabled" Born September 12,1993 Killed by caregivers on February 15,2007

Hate is a stain that must be removed from within anyone or any group of people that have this darkness in their hearts


This evil along with other forms of evil and hatred towards people with disabilities must be rooted out and stopped before it continues to spread.”

— Michael Carey

DELMAR, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, March 3, 2017 / -- There is so much going on now that is surfacing publicly in the media regarding hatred and anti-Semitism which is evil. Let us call it what it really is. This evil along with other forms of evil and hatred towards people with disabilities must be rooted out and stopped before it continues to spread. Civil authorities only can do so much, this is a spiritual problem amongst some people that must see it for what it is and turn from it like all other forms of darkness. It is important to remind people of the horrors of the past so hopefully we do not relive them again. Hatred spread like wildfire in Hitler’s time against the Jewish people, but many forget or may not know that others were also hated and deemed unworthy of living, people with disabilities. I do not want to minimize anything going on towards any group of people, but simply shine a light on another form of hatred and hate crime that must come out as well into the open so that it too will be addressed.
Burning synagogues and decimating Jewish cemeteries is a form of hatred without question, but so is looking the other way when the disabled are physically and sexually assaulted. These are both hate crimes. Threatening Jewish Community Centers and Jewish children’s safety and lives is hatred, but so is denying the disabled 911 emergency medical and police services when they are a victim of a crime or in medical need. It is hard to fathom that over 50 years have passed since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. began fighting against such hatred and discrimination that innocent and extremely vulnerable children and adults with disabilities are being victims of such deadly discrimination. These are hate crimes folks. These are crimes against humanity, but let’s look at the even bigger picture, they are crimes against God. Both these hate crimes shine a light on a much bigger problem, but also point the way to the vital need for a transformation revival and a turning back to God and His ways like never before. We are desperately in need of a spiritual awakening and those that continue to hold hatred in their hearts towards anyone or any group of people and then act upon it in any way that is illegal must be held accountable swiftly.
As the father of a precious disabled child named Jonathan that is no longer here with us, but in heaven because he was a victim of crimes, I applaud everyone taking actions to stop these horrible crimes. Let’s all hope and pray that the hatred which is a spiritual problem will be spoken of by spiritual leaders that know and understand that God is the answer, that love is the answer. I have seen murderers transformed and forgiven by God while involved in a prison ministry years ago. The scriptures tell us in Luke 7:47 “to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.” I understand that God has and continues to forgive me much as I ask for it and that I too am to do the same and forgive no matter what. I forgave the two men involved in my son Jonathan’s death, it is possible and we can do the right thing and let go of all offenses. We can let go off all specific things done against us so that we do not allow anything but love to remain within us. It will either be love or hate or a mixture of both, so let us all get rid of everything that is not love.
Why people do what they do is a mystery sometimes, but I have been told hurting people hurt people. I have learned that if hatred is in the heart and if it’s been in there for a long time or in families or people groups for a long time it has become a major stronghold, which can and must be broken. Turning to God, forgiving from the heart and genuinely releasing the offenses which has allowed the anger, bitterness, hatred and even murder to remain is the only answer. People that harm or threaten the harm of Jewish people or innocent children or adults with disabilities or anyone else must be stopped and jailed, if not swiftly transformed. We as a civil society have State and federal laws, we have a U.S. Constitution, and there are consequences for our actions.
In regards to people with disabilities, the group of people I advocate for full time the hidden hatred and discrimination must come to light, as well, so it can be stopped. It is evil to deny a person with a disability, primarily those living in residential care facilities and group homes, immediate 911 medical and police first responder services and help when they are victims of crimes, in medical need or when they have stopped breathing. The 911 emergency first responders are in all communities and are in place to assist everyone, including the disabled. Yet, readers need to know this hatred, deadly discrimination and yes evil, these hate crimes continue to date against people with disabilities throughout New York State. The next level of hatred and hate crimes against the disabled is the purposeful covering up the extreme damages –the rapes and deaths occurring in astronomical scope throughout New York State’s extremely dangerous and deadly system. We can stop most of this evil by standing up and speaking out, loud and clear, against it, but strongly for righteousness. We can do what is right and just for the Jewish community that make up approximately 2.2 percent of America’s population and the disabled community which make up approximately 9 times greater a number of Americans or 19% of our population. Let the love of God and the boldness that pervaded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his heart arise within you. Stand up and speak out against such hatred, evil and gross injustices.
No longer can the disabled be treated as a lesser valuable group of people and denied their basic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and be denied 911 emergency services and assistance. Preventing our most vulnerable from receiving immediate emergency police assistance is denying this special group of people their equal right to equal protection of laws which also denies them justice. This is dead wrong. Stand with us for “equal rights” and “civil rights” for people with disabilities in New York State and throughout our great country by signing our petition at No longer can 911 be bypassed. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all physical and sexual abuse, gross negligence of care, significant and suspicious injuries and when a person with a disability is in medical distress or has stopped breathing.


Jeffrey L. Gross announces release of ‘Waipi’o Valley’

New book recounts remarkable migrations of Polynesians


KAILUA-KONA, Hawaii – Jeffrey L. Gross first lived in the Hawaiian Islands during the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, when he became interested in Polynesian history and traditional culture that led to the research for his book titled “Waipi’o Valley: A Polynesian Journey from Eden to Eden VOLUME 1” (published by Xlibris). His realization of the ancient origins of the Polynesians and their historic ocean voyages which is perhaps the most amazing migration in human history became his inspiration for writing this book.


This book recounts the remarkable migrations of the Polynesians across a third of the circumference of the earth. Their amazing journey began from Kalana i Hau’ola, the biblical “Garden of Eden” located along the shore of the Persian Gulf, extended to the Indus River Valley of ancient Vedic India, to Egypt where some ancestors of the Polynesians were on the Israelite Exodus, through Island Southeast Asia and across the Pacific Ocean. They voyaged thousands of miles in double-hull canoes constructed from hollowed-out logs, built with Stone Age tools and navigated by the stars of the night sky. The Polynesians resided on numerous tropical islands before reaching Waipi’o Valley, the last Polynesian “Garden of Eden.”


There are no other books about Polynesia like it,” Gross says. “Polynesian cultural and religious beliefs retain elements from mankind’s vanishing cultural past. Polynesians have complex societies from their extensive interaction and cultural diffusion from ancient civilizations they encountered on their migrations from Sumer, Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley of ancient India, Egypt and Island Southeast Asia.”


Through the publication of this book, Gross hopes readers will appreciate the connection between ancient cultures and beliefs and those of the modern world.


“Waipi’o Valley”

By Jeffrey L. Gross

Hardcover | 8.5 x 11in | 206 pages | ISBN 9781524546267

Softcover | 8.5 x 11in | 206 pages | ISBN 9781524539047

E-Book | 206 pages | ISBN 9781524539030

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Jeffrey L. Gross is an architect living in the State of Hawaii. Born in Washington, D.C., he graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and first lived in the Hawaiian Islands during the late ‘70s and early ‘80s.


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