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Teenage History Buff Wins History Bee

Monday, June 3, 2013 - 9:00am
By Kristen Hunter

By Kristen Hunter
Sentinel correspondent
PLEASANT VIEW – Teenage History Buff Wins History Bee
Besides his family and history books, Jared Graham credits video games with helping him win the National History Bee regional finals earlier this spring.
Jared, 14, is an eighth grader at Orion Middle School in North Ogden. He won the history bee at the Salt Lake City Regional Finals on March 20. He will advance to the nationals in Atlanta on June 1.
Jared is a son of Ken and Leslie Graham. He had a head start on his history and geography when his mother posted maps all over the ceilings and walls of all her children’s bedrooms. His family has also visited 38 of the 50 states, which boosted his knowledge of American history.
Jared plays his video games when he takes command of ancient and modern civilizations in the Age of Empires I, II and III. The Axis & Allies game helped Jared learn World War II history. He also plays the Settlers of Catan series, which includes historical scenarios, like building the Egyptian pyramids or the Great Wall of China or expanding Alexander the Great’s empire or fighting the Trojan War.
Jared says his favorite eras are Medieval and Renaissance history. “I mostly like the battles and wars and commanders and leaders,” he said.
Jared is also a brother to three highly competitive siblings. In addition to the video games, his ongoing rivalry with his two brothers, Joshua, 20, and Justin, 18, encompasses everything from board games to how tall the boys will be when they finish growing.
That family competition undoubtedly gave Jared an edge when he was smacking the Jeopardy-style buzzer system to answer questions at the history bee.  “If there’s a winner or a loser involved, we’re competitive,” Jared said. “We’re always trying to find out who’s on the top of the food chain.”
The National History Bee website describes its competition as an endeavor intended to give students an appreciation of the past that will make them better leaders and voters.  The style of questions are intended to cultivate the students’ skill of making connections across eras, places and themes in history, the website said, which gives student competitors an opportunity to appreciate history as a key to every human endeavor.
Jared is now seeking sponsors to defray the travel expenses associated with the nationals. For more information, call 801-782-5500.