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Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing Morning must reads for Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017 - 10:30am
Utah Policy

Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing

Morning must reads for Monday, January 30, 2017

Good Monday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 30th day of the year. There are 335 days remaining in 2017.

Trump's immigration ban sows chaos. Lawmakers put election changes on a fast track. Herbert wants lawmakers to kill the Zion Curtain. 

The clock:

  • 29 days until President Trump addresses a joint session of Congress (2/28/2017)
  • 38 days until the final day of the 2017 Utah Legislature (3/9/2017)
  • 281 days until the 2017 municipal elections (11/7/2017)
  • 646 days until the 2018 midterm elections (11/6/2018)
  • 1373 days until the 2020 presidential election (11/3/2020)

Ten talking points for Monday:

  1. He's doing what he said he would. President Donald Trump's immigration ban, which he signed on Friday, has sparked chaos in America and around the globe [New York Times]. Trump's team kept the details of the ban quiet, and many American immigration officials didn't see the order until after it was put in effect [Wall Street Journal]. Trump is turning up the volume on his defense of the order as opposition mounts [Politico]. Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham say the immigration ban will be a boon for extremist groups [Washington Post]. The LDS Church released a statement following Trump's order, urging cooperation in finding a solution to the situation [KSL]. Demonstrations break out at airports across the United States, including in Salt Lake City [Deseret News]. Utah Sen. Mike Lee wants more information on what Trump is trying to accomplish with the ban [Tribune]. Most of those who voted for Mr. Trump are encouraged by the immigration ban [Reuters].
  2. Rushing an election fix. Republican lawmakers are putting Sen. Curt Bramble's bill to establish a runoff election in some primary contests on a fast track. They're trying to pass the bill before Saturday's Utah GOP Central Committee meeting [Utah Policy].
  3. Turning Utah into a landlord. Sen. Gene Davis says it makes more sense for lawmakers to lease state-owned land rather than sell it to developers [Utah Policy]. Here's the video of our interview with Davis about the 2017 Utah Legislature [Utah Policy].
  4. Staying mum on Trump's border wall. We asked Utah's House members in Congress if they thought President Donald Trump would be able to get Mexico to pay for construction of the wall on the southern border. Most of them wouldn't answer the question [Utah Policy].
  5. Legalizing medical marijuana is off the table. Lawmakers say they won't take action to legalize medical marijuana this year [Utah Policy, Deseret News, Tribune, Daily Herald].
  6. Bracing for action on Bears Ears. Our panel of "Political Insiders" say they expect President Donald Trump to take action to reduce or completely undo the new Bears Ears National Monument [Utah Policy].
  7. Tear down that curtain. Gov. Gary Herbert says he wants lawmakers to tear down the so-called "Zion Curtain" in in restaurants, the 7-foot barrier that shields patrons from seeing alcoholic beverages being mixed [Utah Policy]. 
  8. Murky funding. The Utah League of Cities and Towns is trying to figure out the details of a mysterious fund that is being used to pay to place sponsored articles in the Deseret News. The fund came to light as part of a blistering audit released earlier this month [Tribune].
  9. Testing the teachers. A proposal would require prospective teachers to pass a test showing they know how to teach before they can get a license [Deseret News].
  10. Gearing up for a SCOTUS fight. President Trump is expected to name his pick to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court this week [Politico].

On this day in history:

  • 1798 - The first fight to break out on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives began when one congressman spat in another's face.
  • 1933 - Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
  • 1948 - Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist.
  • 1968 - The Tet offensive began as Communist forces launched surprise attacks against South Vietnamese provincial capitals.
  • 1969 - The Beatles performed in public for the last time in a 45-minute gig on the roof of their Apple Records headquarters in London.





Today At Utah Policy

Lawmakers seek to put election law changes on fast track
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Utah lawmakers are putting a bill to establish a runoff election in some primary contests on the fast track ahead of next Saturday's Republican Central Committee meeting....

Bill seeks to lease state-owned land instead of selling it
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
What if Utah were to lease state-owned land to developers instead of selling it?...

'I have questions with Bryan Schott': Senate Minority Leader Gene Davis (with video)
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Utah Senate Minority Leader Gene Davis says school funding is the biggest issue lawmakers will be facing during the 2017 Legislature. He says it will be a challenge to find more money for Utah's schools....

'Political insiders' expect President Trump to take action on Bears Ears
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Utah Republicans are mounting a full-court press on President Trump, asking him to either reduce the size of or eliminate entirely, the new Bears Ears National Monument in Southern Utah....

Podcast: Utah Senate Minority Leader Gene Davis
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Utah Senate Minority Leader Gene Davis speaks with Managing Editor Bryan Schott....

Herbert says he wants lawmakers to kill the 'Zion Curtain'
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
While it may have been a bit unclear in his State of the State address Wednesday night, under questioning from the media Friday afternoon, Gov. Gary Herbert said he favors tearing down the so-called Zion Curtain and expects it to happen this legislative session....

Utah's Congressional members mostly won't comment on Trump's border wall proposal
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Three of Utah's four members of the U.S. House won't say whether they think President Trump will be able to get Mexico to pay for the border wall with Mexico....

Lawmakers detail plans for more study of medical marijuana
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
As first reported by, on Friday lawmakers discussed several medical marijuana bills coming this session that deal with process and study, not legalizing the plant for medical use, four lawmakers dealing with the issue said in a heavily-attended morning press c...

Bill seeks to criminalize 'harassing' farm animals
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
This is like no cow-tipping times three....

Policy News


Hatch on visa and refugee order
Senator Orrin G. Hatch, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement on President Donald Trump’s recent order entitled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”:...


Press release: TRUCE prepared to take it to the people
The Utah Legislature has again chosen to ignore the cries from thousands of patients in this state who beg for relief from chronic and terminal illness,  and a safe alternative to dangerous and addictive opiates. Friday’s announcement by lawmakers‚ to only b...


Downtown Alliance and Pioneer Park Coalition announce formal partnership
The Downtown Alliance and Pioneer Park Coalition announced a formal partnership. Recognizing a significant number of similar objectives and goals for downtown’s burgeoning Rio Grande neighborhood, the grassroots-led Pioneer Park Coalition will contract with the Downtow...

Local Headlines

Salt Lake Tribune

Op-ed: Chaos reigns when police can't keep drug criminals in jail

Op-ed: New homeless centers should look domestic, not corporate

Op-ed: As potters at the wheel, let us shape Utah from inside and outside

Op-ed: SLC officials failed to consult schools in shelter site selection

Op-ed: Short-term homeless focus should be on jail beds and treatment

Op-ed: However we do it, we must invest more in education to grow Utah's economy

Editorial: Time for Orrin Hatch to retire from the Senate

Lawmakers put medical pot on pause despite most Utahns' support

Utah's Mia Love tears up at anti-abortion rally talking of her parents' choice for life

Utah Gov. Herbert not on board with Trump's refugee, immigrant actions

Resolutions advance to erase Bears Ears, Grand Staircase

Judge will allow hearsay statements from 'co-conspirators' in Swallow public corruption trial

Salt Lake City to give $85K to boost local, sustainable produce

Mysterious fund pays for League of Cities-sponsored stories in Deseret News

Hundreds attend anti-abortion rally in Salt Lake City - with video

Mike Lee, critical of a Muslim ban, wants more info on Trump's refugee executive order

Utah State University scientists help Shoshone reclaim history of Bear River Massacre

Deseret News

Frank Pignanelli & LaVarr Webb: First week of action: How did Trump and the Legislature do?

Mia Love: Unborn children deserve the chance to create their own future

Op-ed: What we didn't learn at DeVos' confirmation hearing

Op-ed: Investing in Salt Lake City's future

Hal Boyd: When it comes to future political leaders, Utah is in 'good hands'

Ralph Becker: Ready for the autonomous vehicles revolution in transportation?

Editorial: Trump's Syrian refugee ban

Judge to allow state to present hearsay evidence in John Swallow trial

Trump wall project could impact trade in Utah

Utah lawmakers won't legalize medical marijuana this year

Apple CEO Tim Cook and Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch meet to talk tech

Teachers would have to demonstrate ability to teach under bill headed to Utah Senate

'No space, no light between shoulder-to-shoulder opposition' on Bears Ears

Bill calling for runoff elections may end GOP's legal battle with state

Into the weed: What Utah can expect if medical marijuana is legalized

Hundreds march for unborn children, against abortion in Utah

SPJ gives S.L. leaders Black Hole Award for homeless site secrecy

Greg Hughes might be the most powerful man in Utah politics, if he could just stay out of trouble

'Miley's Bill' calls for felony child abuse registry


Medical marijuana policy will not pass in 2017; ballot initiative still in the works (Daily Herald)

Hundreds march across Salt Lake City in opposition of abortion (Daily Herald)

'Eggs and Issues' provides public opportunity to discuss legislative issues (Daily Herald)

E. Kent Winward: Better Utah government in three easy steps (Standard-Examiner)

Editorial: Utah's Zion Curtains don't work. It's time to take them down (Standard-Examiner)

Cache legislators talk taxes, criminal justice reform at first 2017 constituent meeting (Logan Herald Journal)

Three candidates vie for appointment to vacant county council seat (Logan Herald Journal)

Park City affirms, 'with certainty,' it is not a sanctuary city (Park Record)

National Headlines

Trump: America 'proud nation of immigrants', says executive order 'is not about religion' (CNBC)

Trump and Putin have first official phone conversation amid European anxiety about future relations (Los Angeles Times)

Trump aides divided over policy shielding 'dreamer' immigrants (Reuters)

Soros Bankrolling Effort to Stop Trump's Temporary Refugee Halt Order (PJ Media)

Trump faces tide of criticism, protests, legal challenges over travel bans (Reuters)

Trump could announce Supreme Court in next two days (The Hill)

California looks to build $7 billion legal pot economy (Associated Press)

Trump preparing order to significantly grow military: report (The Hill)

Google Criticizes Impact on Staff of Trump Immigration Order (Wall Street Journal)

Union leader supports changing NAFTA amid GM layoffs (Detroit News)

Trump And Rising Stock Market Make Investor Confidence SOAR (Daily Caller)

Wise Words

Words to Live By
"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best." St. Jerome

Lighter Side

Throwing Shade
"President Trump is still settling into the White House, and I read that Trump's gold curtains in the Oval Office are the same ones Hillary picked out for Bill Clinton in 1993. So she may not be president, but Hillary still figured out a way to throw some shade." Jimmy Fallon