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Weber High

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 - 9:00am

Principal's Message

The start of the 2016-17 school year has been fantastic!  Students and teachers alike have been enthusiastic and energetic about the new school year and things have gone almost perfectly. 

There have been a couple of very significant changes this year.  We have started a new class period, called FLEX Period, for all students.  This new class is meant to be somewhat flexible (hence the name) and multi-purposed in use.  Some students will use it for a study hall period, some for an additional class, some for remediation and others to make up lost credit.  Our FLEX period will meet every day of the school week except for Mondays.  During this class period we will also hold most of our assemblies, our announcements and other school business/activities.   This helps to preserve class time for teaching and learning during the rest of the day.  Students may also leave their FLEX class to go to another teacher’s class to make up a test or other missing work during the FLEX period (this must be done with prior arrangements and signatures from teachers).  We will also have a new schedule this year.  We will no longer have late starts on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Instead, we will have a late start each Monday – school will begin at 8:20 AM for students – and an early out each Monday – classes will end at 1:50 PM.  During the mornings, teachers will be involved with meetings and trainings and will not be available to students. However, all teachers will be available for extra help, make-up/retesting, and other needs to students each and every Monday afternoon during the early release time from 1:50-2:40 PM.  This is the perfect time to retest, to get additional help or to talk to your teacher about the 3 days you will be gone this week.

We are very excited about the changes this year and things have gone very smoothly so far.  Students seem to like the study hall time each day or the chance to take that extra class here at Weber High during FLEX instead of online.  We are confident it will be a very positive and productive change to our schedule.

One last note – our Student Body Officers have selected, “One Team, One Goal, No Limits” as the theme for this school year.  We are off to a great start and there truly is no limit to what we can accomplish this year.  It is great to be a WARRIOR!!

-Mr. Wardle