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4 Ways to Change Our Tax Code to Boost Economic Growth

Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 9:00am
The Daily Signal

Aug. 31, 2017

Good morning from Washington. Speaking in Missouri yesterday, President Trump made the case for tax reform, saying it could boost economic growth and lead to "12 million new jobs." Fred Lucas reports on the speech, and Adam Michel explains the crucial changes needed in the tax code. Rachel del Guidice tells the story of Mark Morrow, who worked with others in his Houston suburb to rescue those in flooded houses. Plus: Michelle Malkin with a blistering account of liberal darling Keith Olbermann's outrageous attitude toward women, and Lucas on a Democrat who conceded the reality of voter fraud.


4 Ways to Change Our Tax Code to Boost Economic Growth


Tax reform can truly make America great again through higher wages, more jobs, and untold opportunity.

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Florida Democrat Election Official Admits Noncitizens, Felons Voting


Broward County’s problems reportedly included voter registration lists with 130-year-old voters (or would-be voters, if they were living), felons, duplicate registrations, and commercial addresses listed as residential addresses.

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Trump Says Tax Reform Could Create 'Millions and Millions of New Jobs'


"This is a comeback of historic proportions," says President Trump. "We’re here ... to launch our plans to bring back Main Street by reducing the crushing tax burden on our companies and on our workers."

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For 13 Hours, This Texan Helped Rescue Those With the 'Save Us' Signal


"I don’t know any neighbor who didn’t do something, everybody was doing something," says Mark Morrow.

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Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Banned From House Network Months Ago Still Has Active Account


A former IT aide suspected of stealing equipment and data from Congress still has an active, secret email account on the House computer system, even though he has been banned from the congressional network because of a criminal investigation into the alleged cybersecurity violations.

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Keith Olbermann's Vile Contempt for Conservative Women


"The hurricane is going to do less damage to schools than you are, Motherf—er," Keith Olbermann tweeted at Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

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