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Lee, Hartzler Introduce Resolution Recognizing "National Pregnancy Center Week"

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 - 10:15am
Senator Mike Lee

Lee, Hartzler Introduce Resolution Recognizing "National Pregnancy Center Week"


WASHINGTON - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) introduced similar resolutions in the Senate and House today that designate the week of November 8, as "National Pregnancy Center Week."


"For all that we do on Capitol Hill to affirm and protect life, it pales in comparison to the face-to-face work pregnancy-help organizations do across this country every day," Lee said. "This nation is truly blessed to have so many heroes that are helping mothers, and fathers, make the courageous and selfless choice to welcome a new life into this world regardless of their personal circumstances."


“Pregnancy Care Centers are a shining example of what we should be doing more as Americans—individuals and communities working together to protect and promote life,” Hartzler said.  “These centers and the teams of dedicated people working tirelessly to assist women in need and save unborn lives.  They deserve our admiration and support.  From medical help, guidance, housing and material assistance, parenting lessons, emotional support, and promotion of life over abortion, roughly 2,500 pregnancy care and resource centers in America provide support and care to millions of women each and every year.  It is an honor to dedicate a week to recognize their tireless efforts.”


In addition to designating the week of November 8 as "National Pregnancy Center Week," the resolution also notes that:

-nonprofit organizations have been cooperating since November 13, 1971 to save as many lives as possible from abortion;

-there are approximately 2,500 pregnancy centers in the United States;

-pregnancy centers reach more than 2.3 million people each year;

-every day in the United States pregnancy centers assist an average of 6,500 people;

-approximately 1,000 medical pregnancy centers provide limited ultrasound services at little or no cost;

-close to 230,000 ultrasounds are performed at pregnancy centers each year;

-nearly every pregnancy center care and resource center provides clients with material support for pregnancy and infant care.