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Statement on Utah State Board nominating committee

Wednesday, November 4, 2015 - 10:15am
Governor Hurbert

Statement on Utah State Board nominating committee


SALT LAKE CITY (Nov. 3, 2015) - Gov. Gary R. Herbert announced today that he will not convene a nominating committee for the 2016 Utah State Board of Education elections. Jon Cox, spokesman for Gov. Herbert issued the following statement:

“The governor will not assemble the nominating committee because of last year’s court ruling that the current process is unconstitutional. Several legislative solutions to this problem were proposed during the 2015 general session, but none of them passed both the House and Senate. The governor encourages legislative leaders to continue working together to find a resolution to this important issue.”

Previously, the committee met for the purpose of recruiting, nominating, vetting, and ultimately recommending candidates to the governor for placement on the ballot.