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Farr West Elementary

Friday, December 4, 2015 - 10:15am


It has become necessary to adopt a school-wide policy  on snacks at recess time. The reason for this policy is due to a variety of reasons.


1-Our playground is becoming unsafe with scattered wrappers and seagulls seeking left over snacks
2-Many snacks students are bringing are unhealthy due to the high sugar/carbohydrate amount
3-Students are spending recess time hanging out and eating, rather than being active
4-Students are bringing larger snacks (i.e. family size bags of chips) and then not eating a balanced, healthy lunch


We encourage you to send only healthy snacks at recess time, if a snack is needed. Please feel free to contact the school if you have questions. Thanks for your support.






Laura Wright

Principal, Farr West Elementary
