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Fremont High

Friday, December 4, 2015 - 10:45am

Principal's Message

I wanted to take a moment during this holiday season and to share my thanks with each of you for the great parents, students and teachers we have in our Fremont family.  During this holiday season, many of us will be around those we care about deeply and thinking about the good in our lives. Charles Dickens, author of The Christmas Carol once said, “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many--not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”  One of the great qualities of people is their ability and capacity to see the good in their lives and the good in others… instead of focusing on that which is wrong.  Each of you do so much to help your child, family, friends, and community.

CS Lewis and Aldous Huxley were incredible authors.  Each of them gave a great deal to us and with Thanksgiving this week, I wanted to share a thought from Lewis… "We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is good, because it is good; if bad, because it works in us patience, humility, contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country." He embraced the reality of our lives by seeing the personal growth even in difficult times... that is the spirit of Fremont!

Aldous Huxley's words are a stark reminder to mark a return to gratitude and never neglect to recognize the good in our lives… "Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted."  And, finally, JFK gave us some sound advice when he said that, "We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives." Each of these quotes emphasized the need to recognize the virtuous things in our lives. We each have the power and capacityto affect others’ lives for good… to infinitely impact those with whom we interact be it students, colleagues, friends, strangers, and family.  The holidays are also a reminder that there are those at this time that can use a friend… students, teachers, and others. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and THANK YOU for all you do for Fremont. Because of you... It is a Great Day to be a Silverwolf!


Dr. Rod Belnap

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Dear Senior Class Student and Parent:

In cooperation with our Fremont High School Administration, and as a reminder for Thursday, December 3, Jostens, our official graduation and class ring supplier, will be at our school for a special senior make up day graduation order event/ Ring delivery. If you have NOT ordered your graduation cap & gown, announcements and accessories, please make sure you see the Jostens Representatives and get your order in and complete.  Seniors should have received graduation and diploma information at a class meeting that was held earlier this fall on Tuesday, October 6. Graduation Ring information was also available at that time. Please plan on turning your order in at school on the make up day order session, Thursday, December 3  in the Commons Area during the lunch hour.  Samples of our official Fremont High Class of 2016 Graduation Announcement and Graduation Rings will be on display. Please remember to bring your $60 deposit and ordering materials and get your order in and complete. Thank you for your help. If you have any questions, please contact Jostens at (801) 467-6968

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Parent Teacher Conferences

Dec. 9 1pm - 6:30 pm

Next Wednesday, December 9, we invite ALL of you to come and join us for Parent Teacher Conferences here  at Fremont High School. The conferences will be held from 1 pm until 6:30 pm and are a great opportunity to connect with teachers and to talk about how we can work together to help your student to be successful.  Again, please join us December 9 from 1 pm until 6:30 pm for parent teacher conferences.  Let us know how we can help you!

ATTENDANCE: We continue to work with students to decrease absences and tardies. Research indicates that strong, consistent attendance makes a sigificant difference in involvement and academic success at school. We have seen better attendance and fewer tardies this year.... let's stay on track!

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We invite all of you as we get closer to registration, to take the AP/CONCURRENT challenge and to join us as Silverwolves in doing difficult things. We will provide the support and the encouragement to help you achieve your post-secondary college goals here at Fremont. What a great opportunity to gain the skills, confidence, and credits needed going into the college experience.  We encourage each of you to take the AP/Concurrent challenge in the coming year.