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House Sends Hatch-Coauthored Climate Rule Repeal to President’s Desk

Friday, December 4, 2015 - 10:45am
Senator Orrin Hatch

House Sends Hatch-Coauthored Climate Rule Repeal to President’s Desk


Washington—As President Obama works toward a new international climate pact that will hurt Utah families, the House agreed to two bipartisan resolutions to roll back the EPA’s Clean Power Plan rules. The resolutions, cosponsored by Senator Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the Senate, express disapproval of the President’s radical environmental agenda:





“I believe we need to be good stewards of our environment, but I’m afraid that EPA's unlawful regulation would make little to no difference in reducing global emissions all while placing a significant and unnecessary burden on all Americans--especially those in need—by increasing domestic energy prices. Such an increase would make America less competitive and leave hard-working families with higher energy bills. Congress is united in telling the President that his radical environmental agenda will not be placed above the welfare of America’s working families.” 


Senator Hatch was a cosponsor of the two resolutions of disapproval that passed the Senate with bipartisan support. Senator Hatch also signed a letter to the President reminding him that any binding climate agreement made in Paris must be brought before Congress for approval.