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Morning must reads for Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 11:30am
Utah Policy

Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing

Morning must reads for Thursday, May 4, 2017

Good Thursday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 124th day of the year. There are 241 days remaining in 2017. Today is the 105th day of Donald Trump's presidency.

Utahns give Evan McMullin good favorability ratings. House Republicans say they have the votes to pass their Obamacare repeal. Anthony Kennedy may step down this summer, giving Donald Trump another Supreme Court appointment.

The clock:

  • 16 days until the Utah Republican State Convention (5/20/2017)

  • 44 days until the Utah Democratic State Convention at Weber State University (6/17/2017)

  • 187 days until the 2017 municipal elections (11/7/2017)

  • 263 days until the opening day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (1/22/2018)

  • 308 days until the final day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (3/8/2018)

  • 551 days until the 2018 midterm elections (11/6/2018)

  • 1,279 days until the 2020 presidential election (11/3/2020)

Today's political TL; DR -

  • NEW POLL: Utahns give former independent candidate Evan McMullin mostly favorable ratings. That's important because he is weighing running for Rep. Jason Chaffetz's seat when he ultimately steps down [Utah Policy].
  • LaVarr Webb says Gov. Gary Herbert has a distinct advantage in the fight over whether to change the rules for a special election if Rep. Jason Chaffetz resigns from Congress early [Utah Policy].
  • Utah Democrats are running to cozy up to Sen. Bernie Sanders' political agenda. That may not work out for them the way they think [Utah Policy].
  • Congressional Republicans say they have enough votes to pass their Obamacare repeal bill on Thursday [New York Times].
  • Republicans are rushing to vote on the bill without waiting for the Congressional Budget Office to score the legislation [The Hill].
  • Moderate Republicans got an additional $8 billion for high-risk insurance pools inserted in the health care legislation. That may be enough to get some Republicans who are on the fence to vote for the bill [Politico].
  • If the health care bill passes the House on Thursday, it still faces a rocky road in the Senate. Sen. Orrin Hatch will be a key player in getting the legislation through the upper chamber [Roll Call].
  • Rumors are swirling that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is preparing to retire this summer after 29 years on the court. Kennedy has been a crucial swing vote on the high court for more than a decade, often siding with liberal justices [Associated Press].
  • President Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order on Thursday that will loosen restrictions on political activity by religious organizations [Wall Street Journal].
  • FBI Director James Comey says he's "mildly nauseous" that his decision to notify Congress about new emails in the Hillary Clinton investigation just days before the Election Day could have swayed the result, but he would not do anything different [New York Times].
  • The House GOP is considering fast-tracking $500 billion in spending cuts, which includes reductions in Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps [Bloomberg].
  • Rep. Jason Chaffetz says Congress plans to target former President Obama's pension after news broke he is getting paid $400,000 for a post-presidential speech [Deseret News].
  • Tribal leaders say they plan to sue the White House if President Donald Trump rescinds the Bears Ears National Monument [Deseret News, Tribune].
  • Sen. Orrin Hatch and Rep. Chris Stewart unveil legislation to create a national 3-digit suicide prevention hotline similar to the 9-1-1 emergency number [Deseret News].
  • James Singer, a Navajo, Mormon Democrat is jumping into the 2018 race to challenge for the seat held by Sen. Orrin Hatch [Tribune].
  • Utah is just one of three states that does not spell out in statute how a special election to fill an open seat in Congress should be conducted [Deseret News].
  • Geronimo Guiterrez, the Mexican ambassador to the U.S., visited Utah this week and said relations between the two countries are at a critical juncture [Tribune].
  • A new report says Utah employers are having trouble finding skilled workers to fill open jobs [Utah Policy, Deseret News].
  • Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's husband, will step down from public life this fall. He turns 96 years old next month [BBC].

On this day in history:

  • 1494 - On his second expedition to the New World, Columbus discovered Jamaica.
  • 1626 - Dutch explorer Peter Minuit landed on what is now Manhattan.
  • 1886 - A labor demonstration for an eight-hour workday at Haymarket Square in Chicago turned into a riot when a bomb exploded.
  • 1904 - Construction began on the Panama Canal.
  • 1970 - Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on anti-war protesters at Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine.




Today At Utah Policy

Poll: Utahns give Evan McMullin good favorability ratings
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
Evan McMullin, who burst upon Utah’s political scene last year when he ran as an independent in the U.S. presidential race, is doing okay in a new favorable/unfavorable poll for

Utah Democrats should be wary of Bernie Sanders' siren call
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
O, that way madness lies; let me shun that; No more of that. - King Lear Act 3, scene 4, 17–22...

Analysis: Who has upper hand in fight over special election?
By LaVarr Webb, Publisher
In the fight over how Congressman Jason Chaffetz will be replaced in the event he resigns, Gov. Gary Herbert has an advantage. He’s by far the most popular politician in the 3rd Congressional District....

Weekly survey: Special election for Congress
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
If Rep. Jason Chaffetz steps down from his seat before his term is up, how should the state pick the candidates for the special election to replace him? ...

Utah industries have a tough job: Finding qualified workers
By Utah Foundation
Utah’s unemployment rate (3.1%) and job growth (3.2%) are among the best in the nation. Still, many businesses report difficulty finding as many qualified workers as they need to fill available positions....

Policy News


Stewart and Hatch introduce bill to improve national suicide prevention hotline
Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), along with Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) and Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) introduced bi-partisan legislation to improve the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. ...

Corporate responsibility: Utah | Water is your business
Businesses play an important role in making the community a better place. That’s why the Salt Lake Chamber works to support our members in their efforts in environmental stewardship, community service, volunteering and corporate giving....


Sen. Lee introduces Restoring Internet Freedom Act
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Restoring Internet Freedom Act, a bill that would nullify the Federal Communications Commission’s 2015 Open Internet Order and prohibit the FCC from issuing a similar rule in the future. ...


SLCC and Workforce Services aiding refugees with employment, better wages
Salt Lake Community College and the Utah Department of Workforce Services have successfully coordinated efforts to help refugees in Utah train for new jobs and improve their earning potential....

Voices for Utah Children releases 'Utah Children's Budget Report 2017'
Voices for Utah Children released a new report, "Utah Children's Budget Report 2017."  ...

Local Headlines


Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: Utah's Justice Christine Durham led the way

Tribal leaders: We'll take Trump to court if he rescinds Bears Ears

'Every night, we just cry together': Young family heartbroken after ICE detains 31-year-old mother

Navajo candidate announces bid as Democrat for Hatch's seat

Mexican envoy visits Utah, says relations with U.S. at 'a critical point'

Mormon church creates family history tree for congresswoman at request of Rep. Mia Love

Deseret News

Op-ed: National parks highlight need for civil-service reform

Jay Evensen: Why not appoint a homeless czar?

Lois Collins: Is our criminal justice system based on outdated practices that may thwart justice?

Editorial: Utah should follow normal election laws for any special election

Low wages, skills gap key to finding qualified workers, study says

Chaffetz says Congress will target Obama's pension plan

Utah one of just three states without law spelling out how congressional vacancies filled

Hatch, Stewart look to create national 3-digit suicide prevention hotline

Bears Ears tribal coalition blasts Zinke, executive order on monuments review

'She doesn't deserve this': Family laments mother's arrest, pending deportation

Mexican ambassador visits Utah, cites ways to improve diplomacy with U.S.

Why some Republicans, like Utah Sen. Mike Lee, are no longer 'tough on crime'


Mia Love notifies authorities about pictures being taken of her children in Saratoga Springs (Daily Herald)

National Headlines

House will vote on GOP Obamacare replacement bill on Thursday (CNBC)

Susan Rice declines to testify before Senate subcommittee (Politico)

Fourth man accuses Seattle Mayor Ed Murray of paying him for sex (Seattle Times)

Stephen Colbert Defends Trump Jokes That Sparked #FireColbert Backlash (Hollywood Reporter)

Trump to sign executive order making it easier for churches to support political candidates (Washington Post)

US needs to balance foreign alliances: Tillerson (Reuters)

Debate Over Paris Climate Deal Could Turn on a Single Phrase (New York Times)

Fed Sticks to Gradual Rate-Hike Approach Despite Slowdown (Bloomberg)

Congress questions airline service, customers say it's getting worse (OCRegister)

Senate votes to kill rule that would help states launch retirement plans (Washington Post)

Puerto Rico, with $73 billion in debt, forced toward bankruptcy (Washington Post)

Wise Words

"Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience." George Washington

Lighter Side

100 Days
"According to a new CNN poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of the job President Trump is doing as he approaches his 100th day in office. While the other 56 percent said, "It's only been 100 days?!" Seth Meyers