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Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015 - 7:30am
Utah Policy

Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Good Tuesday morning from Salt Lake City. There are 86 days left in 2015.

Chaffetz says his bid for Speaker is a "long shot." Biden expected to make up his mind about 2016 this weekend. Hughes says Republicans in the Legislature have to "own" Medicaid expansion.

The clock:

  • 28 days to the 2015 election - (11/3/2015)
  • 104 days to the 2016 Iowa Caucus (tentative) - (1/18/2016)
  • 111 days to the opening day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (1/25/2016)
  • 112 days to the 2016 New Hampshire Primary - (1/26/2016)
  • 156 days to the final day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (3/10/2016)
  • 266 days to the 2016 Utah primary election - (6/28/2016)
  • 399 days until the 2016 presidential election - (11/8/2016)

Tuesday's top-10 headlines:

  1. Rep. Jason Chaffetz says his bid for Speaker may be a "long shot," but he claims his chief rival, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, is losing support [Utah Policy, Roll Call, Washington PostNew York Times, Deseret NewsTribune].
  2. People close to Vice President Joe Biden expect him to make a decision this weekend on whether he will run for president [Politico].
  3. House Speaker Greg Hughes says the Republican caucus will have to "own" Medicaid reform, and that's why he's not counting on any Democratic votes for passage [Utah Policy].
  4. Gov. Gary Herbert says the current Medicaid expansion proposal may need some changes [Deseret News, Fox 13].
  5. Jonathan Johnson, who is challenging Herbert for the GOP nomination in 2016, says he favors privatizing state liquor stores and legalizing medical marijuana [Tribune]. Johnson also is critical of some tax breaks that were given to his company, [Tribune].
  6. Former West Valley City Mayor Mike Winder will challenge Rep. Fred Cox for the Republican nomination in House District 30 [Utah Policy].
  7. Former Attorney General Mark Shurtleff joins with the prosecutors in his case in asking the feds to turn over any evidence they may have gathered investigating him [Deseret News, Tribune].
  8. Jackie Biskupski cribs an idea from former mayoral candidate Luke Garrott and proposes Salt Lake City run their own mass transit program [Fox 13].
  9. Mail-in ballots for November's election are on their way to Salt Lake County voters [Deseret News].
  10. A federal watchdog is reopening their investigation into the Secret Service after revelations that the agency intentionally leaked information to embarrass Rep. Chaffetz [Tribune].

On this day in history:

  • 1889 - Thomas Edison debuts his first motion picture.
  • 1976 - In a debate with Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter, President Gerald R. Ford asserted there was "no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe." Ford later conceded that he had misspoken.
  • 1979 - Pope John Paul II becomes the first pontiff to visit the White House.
  • 1981 - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated as he reviewed a military parade in Cairo.
  • 1987 - The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 9-5 against the nomination of Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court.


Today At Utah Policy

Hughes: Republicans Have to 'Own' Medicaid Expansion
By Bob Bernick
Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes is getting bashed around these days over Utah’s Medicaid expansion....

Mike Winder to Challenge Fred Cox for GOP Nomination in House District 30
By Bryan Schott
Former West Valley City Mayor Mike Winder is jumping back into the political arena, challenging Republican Rep. Fred Cox for the GOP nomination in House District 30....


Chaffetz: 'I'm Probably Going to Lose'
By Golden Webb
Rep. Jason Chaffetz admits his bid for the speakership faces long odds, but says support among House conservatives for putative front-runner Rep. Kevin McCarthy is so lukewarm that hemight have a shot at pulling theupset....

Living Peacefully in a World Where People Disagree
By Kim Burningham
Recently, I was asked to identify my political affiliation. The question caused me to pause. I have always been a Republican; for 15 years I represented my area in the Utah House of Representatives as a Republican. Still, I paused. ...

Policy News


Press Release: Hatch Warns that TPP Falls Woefully Short, Highlights Importance of TPA
Following the announcement that a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement between the United States and 11 other nations had been reached, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch expressed concern that “the deal appears to fall woefully short.”...


Press Release: What TPA Means for TPP
After five years of negotiations, the United States Trade Representative announced a deal has been reached on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade pact between the United States and 11 other nations in the Asia-Pacific region that represents 40 percent of the global ...


Clash Between Religious and Civil Liberties Subject of 2015 Fordham Debate at University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law
The actions of Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis —who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples because of her religious beliefs—has renewed intense debate over religious freedom versus civil liberties in today’s world....


Press Release: Hatch Statement on Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) today issued the following statement after the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Michael Froman announced that an agreement had been reached between the United States and 11 other nations to close the Trans-Pacif...


Lee to Deliver Criminal Justice Reform Speech
On Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. ET, Senator Mike Lee will deliver a speech on the need to reform the criminal justice system at the Heritage Foundation. ...

Local Headlines

Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: Speaker Chaffetz? Policy wonk or bomb thrower?

Rolly: Chaffetz's spectacle more evidence of a right wing gone wrong

Utah guv challenger supports private liquor stores, medical marijuana

Ex-Overstock CEO critical of the same corporate tax breaks his company received

Watchdog reopens probe into Secret Service leak of Chaffetz info

Unincorporated Salt Lake County areas near question: townships or cities?

Chaffetz hopes for groundswell to make him speaker

Becker TV ad: McAdams questions Biskupski's vision and leadership

Ballots to hit homes in the next few days

Ex-city attorney alleges 'bullying,' 'retaliation' by West Jordan leaders

Shurtleff also wants feds to turn over evidence

Deseret News

Op-ed: Salt Lake sends mixed message with dangerous cycle tracks

Editorial: Antiquities Act and underwater monuments

Proposal calls for 900 South to be named after LGBT activist

Ex-A.G. Mark Shurtleff joins prosecution motion to force DOJ to turn over evidence

Symposium speaker: Oil shale not 'environmental Armargeddon'

Mail-in ballots on their way to Salt Lake County voters

Chaffetz calls speaker bid a long shot, may not have Utah delegation support

Gov. Herbert says latest Medicaid expansion plan may need changes


Survivors kick off breast cancer awareness month with stories of hope (Daily Herald)

National Headlines

Putin has sent the feared Spetsnaz special forces into Syria to bail out Assad (Mirror)

Democrats' Senate hopes on hold (Politico)

Boehner making waves on his way to the exit (Politico)

Will Hillary Clinton flip on trade? (Politico)

Democrats up ante with Benghazi leak (The Hill)

Trade deal looms large for 2016 (The Hill)

Fresh twists roil House GOP races (The Hill)

Workers remove Ten Commandments monument from Oklahoma Capitol grounds (FOX News)

Historic Pacific trade deal faces skeptics in U.S. Congress (Reuters)

Right to Die Legalized in California Following Campaign Inspired by Brittany Maynard (People)

In first case of term, Supreme Court considers international obligations (Washington Post)