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Bates Elementary

Monday, May 6, 2019 - 12:45pm
Ms Wright

Please make sure to check your student's lunch account. All accounts, especially 6th Graders, must be in the positive by the end of the school year. 6th grade students are not allowed to start at the Junior High with a negative lunch account balance.


Thank you for your attention to this!






Ms. Wright

Bates Elementary


It is time once again to nominate community council members for the 2019-2020 school year. There are a total of 5 seats that need to be filled. This will be a 2 year position. Below is a statement that sums up what community council is all about. If you would like to take this opportunity to serve the Bates community please visit our school office or send in your nomination form attached to this email. 

We have done electronic nominations in the past, but the state has indicated unless we have a secure district system for voting we need to do elections at the school. 

Nominations will be accepted Monday, May 6-May 15. We will have forms in our office OR a form is attached to this email that you may ask your child to deliver to the office. 

*In the event that we have more individuals willing to serve on our council then spots, voting to take place May 17-21

Opportunity Statement

The membership of a school community council includes the principal, teachers elected by teachers, and a majority of parents elected by parents of students at the school. It is their responsibility to plan and report on the usage of funds allocated to the school as part of the School LAND Trust Program. The plan the council writes focuses of the school’s greatest academic need (s). The most effective councils and committees are those whose members work collaboratively to develop plans to aid all students in reaching their potential.

Plans are approved by the local school board.
Council meetings are held a few times during the school year and are open to the public.



Ms. Wright

Bates Elementary




It's  GREAT day at Bates!!!   :)