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Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015 - 8:30am
Utah Policy

Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Monday, December 7, 2015

Good Monday morning from Salt Lake City. There are 24 days left in 2015.

Obama tries to calm the nation following the San Bernadino attacks. Herbert's approval ratings remain high. Lawmakers consider a multi-million dollar school technology program.

The clock:

  • 49 days to the opening day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (1/25/2016)
  • 56 days to the 2016 Iowa Caucus - (2/1/2016)
  • 64 days to the 2016 New Hampshire Primary (tentative) - (2/9/2016)
  • 95 days to the final day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (3/10/2016)
  • 106 days to the Utah Republican and Democratic caucus meetings (3/22/2016)
  • 138 days to the Utah Republican and Democratic State Conventions (4/23/2016)
  • 205 days to the 2016 Utah primary election - (6/28/2016)
  • 337 days until the 2016 presidential election - (11/8/2016)

Monday's top-10 headlines:

  1. President Barack Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office, calling the San Bernadino shootings an "act of terrorism." He also said the fight with ISIS should not be painted as a war between the United States and Islam [The Hill, Politico, Roll Call, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN].
  2. Congress has just a few days to approve an omnibus spending bill in order to avoid another government shutdown [The Hill].
  3. A new poll shows Gov. Gary Herbert is still enjoying soaring job approval ratings. Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox and Attorney General Sean Reyes also score high approval marks [Utah Policy].
  4. Lawmakers will consider a $100 million program to put technology in the hands of Utah school children [Tribune].
  5. The State School Board approves new middle school science standards despite worries that they were politically biased [Tribune, Deseret News, Fox 13].
  6. Davis and Weber counties will reap big bucks for transportation due to Prop. 1, while other large counties that defeated the measure are struggling to keep up [Deseret News].
  7. The Utah Transit Authority changed the rules for bidding to lease space in one of its facilities in order to include a Swiss rail company [Tribune, Deseret News].
  8. Will Utah's snowpack rebound in January or are we headed toward another dry water year? [2 News]
  9. Salt Lake City joins the fight in support of President Obama's executive actions on immigration [Tribune].
  10. Former President Jimmy Carter announces his brain cancer has disappeared [CNN].

On this day in history:

  • 1787 - Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the Constitution.
  • 1941 - Japan launched a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The attack killed 2,403 people and crippled the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
  • 1972 - Apollo 17 was launched on the last scheduled manned mission to the moon.
  • 1983 - The first execution by lethal injection took place at the state penitentiary in Huntsville, Texas.


Today At Utah Policy

Herbert, Cox and Reyes Enjoying High Approval Numbers
By Bob Bernick
Utah GOP Gov. Gary Herbert continues to be well liked in the state, a new Utah Policy poll shows....

Women's Leadership Institute to Hold Fundraiser Tuesday (Video)
By Bryan Schott
Pat Jones, CEO of the Women's Leadership Institute, talks about her organization's efforts to get more women to run for political office in Utah and their fundraiser taking place on Tuesday night....

Utah Policy/KSL Insider Survey: Biskupski Shakes Up City Hall
By Bryan Schott
Salt Lake City mayor-elect Jackie Biskupski shook up city hall last week by asking most of the appointed department heads, minus the police and fire chief, to submit their resignations as she prepares to take the reigns of the city....


Video: Inside Utah Politics Panel on SB54
By Bryan Schott
Managing Editor Bryan Schott, GOP party activist Michelle Mumford and former Democratic Senator Scott Howell join ABC 4's Glen Mills for a panel discussion on the Utah Republican Party's fight against SB54....


Stewart: Take Guns Away from Feds
By Golden Webb
Seven GOP House members, led by Rep. Chris Stewart, introduce legislation aimed at de-militarizing federal agencies by preventing them from purchasing certain firearms and developing their own SWAT-like teams. ...

Podcast: Pat Jones, CEO of the Women's Leadership Institute
By Bryan Schott
Managing Editor Bryan Schott speaks with Pat Jones, CEO of the Women's Leadership Institute, about their efforts to get more women involved in Utah politics....

Policy News


End Citizens United Endorses Doug Owens for Congress
End Citizens United PAC officially endorsed Doug Owens for the U.S. House of Representatives in Utah’s 4th Congressional District. ...


Gov. Herbert Orders Flags to Remain Lowered for San Bernardino Victims
Gov. Gary R. Herbert has authorized the lowering of the flag of the United States of America and the flag of the state of Utah to continue until Dec. 7, 2015 to honor the victims of the San Bernardino, California attack....


Lee Letter Asks McConnell Not To Include Federal Land Buying Program in Spending Bill
Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and James Lankford (R-OK) sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Friday, asking him not to include language permanently reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) in any end of the yea...


Hatch Press Release: With President's Signature, Long-Term Highway Bill Becomes Law
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) praised the Republican Congress’s work to produce a long-term bipartisan highway bill that funds America’s surface transportation programs for five full years without raising taxes or adding to the deficit....


Lee Applauds Senate Passage of Obamacare Repeal Bill
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT issued the following statement Thursday after the Senate passed an Obamacare repeal bill through reconciliation....


Hatch Statement on Passage of Obamacare Repeal
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) issued the following statement after the Senate passed a measure to repeal Obamacare using the budget reconciliation process:...

Local Headlines

Salt Lake Tribune

Op-ed: Healthy Utah still looks like best solution to Medicaid dilemma

Op-ed: Don’t renew Export-Import Bank to protect U.S. business

Hatch: Obamacare is failing, and my repeal bill will fix it

Editorial: Utah representatives play good cop, bad cop

Editorial: If Utah can help Mexican wolves recover, we should let them in

Utah may license drug treatment centers to crack down on fraud

Mormon church real estate firm plans to bring thousands of new homes to Riverton

Utah officials: Mexican wolf is ‘bullet’ that could destroy West

State school board wants land swap if new monument named in Utah

Former Gov. Olene Walker remembered as leader, mother, role model

Utah’s Hatch praises highway bill passage, Lee denounces it

Salt Lake City joins in defending Obama’s immigration actions

UTA reversed contract stance to allow bid by Swiss rail company

Utah envisions refugees as savvy programmers

Edward Snowden talks about NSA’s Utah Data Center and more in Park City digital address

Deseret News

Frank Pignanelli & LaVarr Webb: A few political issues to contemplate on cold and smoggy days

Derek Monson: Wisdom of not expanding Medicaid becomes ever clearer

Editorial: Utah's congressional delegation confronts a changing Washington environment

Editorial: Time for Utah to develop comprehensive plan to address inequality in public education

State School Board adopts new middle school science standards

Former Gov. Olene Walker remembered as 'devoted to the public good'

Libertarian group ranks Salt Lake as least free city in Utah

Will pipeline weigh down your wallet or buoy your future?

‘Sickest of the sick’: Caring for patients who account for lion's share of costs

UTA changed bidding process to make room for Swiss rail company

Davis, Weber roads to reap from Prop 1 while state's 2 biggest counties lag behind


Editorial: Is Utah County better prepared for a mass shooting? (Daily Herald)

Provo looks at new urbanism, pocket neighborhoods at zoning summit (Daily Herald)

SITLA ignores property rights, tells Saratoga Springs how to plan a city (Daily Herald)

Rural schools offer challenges and rewards (Standard-Examiner)

It's not 'Little House on the Prairie,' but similarities exist (Standard-Examiner)

Rural students leave home to finish school (Standard-Examiner)

County to add another public defender due to legislation and state scrutiny (Logan Herald Journal)

Transit talks to move Kamas Valley (Park Record)

National Headlines

Christie: ‘Every place in America is a target’ (The Hill)

Dems threaten Reid tax deal (The Hill)

Attacks put new focus on Obama's anti-terror tactics (Politico)

Trump pumps siege mentality in Iowa (Politico)

Jimmy Carter announces he is cancer-free (CNN)

Clinton explains why she won't say 'radical Islam' (CNN)

Clinton says U.S. is ‘not winning’ the war against the Islamic State (Washington Post)

Trump on fighting terrorism: 'What's too far?' (CNN)

Ben Carson Calls Transgender Military Members A Distraction (Huffington Post)

Rubio Questions Legitimacy Of Terror Watch Lists (Huffington Post)

Uneasy calm in markets about upcoming U.S. rate increase, BIS says (Reuters)