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Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 8:15am
Utah Policy

Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City. There are 85 days left in 2015.

Lawmakers give the public the first look at the new Medicaid expansion proposal. Huntsman slaps Chaffetz on Twitter. Stewart says he supports Chaffetz's bid for speaker.

The clock:

  • 27 days to the 2015 election - (11/3/2015)
  • 103 days to the 2016 Iowa Caucus (tentative) - (1/18/2016)
  • 110 days to the opening day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (1/25/2016)
  • 111 days to the 2016 New Hampshire Primary - (1/26/2016)
  • 155 days to the final day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (3/10/2016)
  • 265 days to the 2016 Utah primary election - (6/28/2016)
  • 398 days until the 2016 presidential election - (11/8/2016)

Wednesday's top-10 headlines:

  1. Utah lawmakers give the public their first look at the latest plan for expanding Medicaid [Utah Policy, Deseret News, Tribune].
  2. The Justice Department plans to release about 6,000 inmates early from federal prison to reduce overcrowding [Washington Post].
  3. Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman takes a shot at Rep. Jason Chaffetz's bid for Speaker on Twitter [Talking Points Memo, Tribune, Fox 13].
  4. Rep. Chris Stewart says he supports Chaffetz's candidacy for Speaker [Deseret News].
  5. The Salt Lake County Council adopts an ordinance requiring pet stores to sell only shelter animals [Deseret News, Tribune].
  6. A new poll shows most Utahns think the economy will either remain the same or improve over the next year [Utah Policy].
  7. State attorneys say the case involving jailed polygamous leader Warren Jeffs is the perfect example showing why polygamy should remain illegal [Deseret News, Tribune].
  8. A scheduled speaker at BYU cancels his appearance saying the school violates religious freedom [Tribune].
  9. Donald Trump says he intends to stay in the presidential race despite softening poll numbers [New York Times].
  10. Hillary Clinton seizes on Rep. Kevin McCarthy's statement suggesting the Benghazi investigation is designed to hurt her candidacy for president in a new ad [Washington Post].

On this day in history:

  • 1765 - The Stamp Act Congress convened in New York to draw up colonial grievances against England.
  • 1916 - Georgia Tech defeats Cumberland University 222-0 in the most lopsided college football game in American history.
  • 1992 - President George H.W. Bush and the leaders of Mexico and Canada signed the North American Free Trade Agreement.
  • 1996 - Fox News Channel made its debut.
  • 2001 - The United States and Britain launched air strikes against Taliban positions and Osama bin Laden's training camps in Afghanistan.
  • 2003 - Californians voted to recall Democratic Gov. Gray Davis and elected actor Arnold Schwarzenegger as their new governor.


Today At Utah Policy

Poll: Utah Republicans More Sour on the Economy than Democrats
By Bryan Schott
Most Utahns think the economy will either improve or remain the same as it is now over the next year. ...

Lawmakers Consider New Medicaid Expansion Plan
By Bob Bernick
They came by the hundreds; those who would be taxed under a new Medicaid expansion plan opposing, those advocating for the poor and sick approving....

Survey Ranks Utah's Tax System as Seventh 'Most Fair'
By Bob Bernick
Utah ranks 7th among the states in overall tax fairness, as determined by those paying taxes, a personal investment website says....


Stewart Calls for Local Control of Public Lands
By Golden Webb
In an op-ed, Rep. Chris Stewart points to this summer's catastrophic wildfires as more evidence that federal management of public lands in the West is "a disaster."...

Utah Honor Flight - One of Life's Finest Experiences
By Rep. Stephen G. Handy, R-Layton
Our debt to the heroic man and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.— Inscription from National World War II Memorial, Washington, D.C....

Weekly Survey: Will Chaffetz Win the Race for Speaker?
By Bryan Schott
Rep. Jason Chaffetz has launched a bid to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House of Representatives. How do you gauge his chances at winning the job? Vote now in our weekly survey....

Raising Interest Rates: A Time-Sensitive Decision
By Randy Shumway, Zions Bank Economic Advisor
This summer, Brazil’s inflation rate hit a 12-year high, notching upward to 9.56 percent. As a result, Brazil’s central bank has been forced to raise interest rates to 14.25 percent in an attempt to mitigate the impact of this towering inflation rate.  ...

Policy News


Tourism Officials Gather in Bryce Canyon for 2015 Utah Tourism Conference
Utah Governor Gary Herbert will join hundreds of tourism representatives and elected officials from across the state in Bryce Canyon this week for the 2015 Utah Tourism Conference....


Salt Lake City Hosting National League of Cities' Connecting Children to Nature Leadership Academy
The National League of Cities and Children & Nature Network will convene in Salt Lake City to participate in the Connecting Children to Nature Leadership Academy on October 6-8. The leadership academy will provide city officials with the skills and knowled...


Kearns Community will Plan Bright Future, Through New Initiative with the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Mayor Ben McAdams, Granite School District Superintendent Martin Bates, Utah legislative leaders and members of the Kearns community today announced Salt Lake County is the second site in the country to go forward with a community-based initiative, which includes help with f...

Local Headlines

Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: Charge people, not companies, with environmental crimes

Rolly: Why did McAdams take a jab at Biskupski? Well, they have a history

Ex-West Jordan city attorney alleges conspiracy by top officials, including judge

As Chaffetz seeks speaker post, question remains: Who really wants that job?

State looks into gravel-mining allegations, Draper sets public hearing

Will deal mean 'early retirement' for Utah power plant?

S.L. County shows disdain for 'puppy mills,' OKs law that favors shelters

Jon Huntsman backhands Jason Chaffetz over speaker bid

Lawmakers get earful on Medicaid expansion plan

Preschool paying off for Goldman Sachs and Utah kids, according to United Way

Speaker cancels talk at BYU, says school 'fundamentally violates' religious freedom

Deseret News

Richard Davis: Voters want new ideas and new faces

Jay Evensen: If we do business online, when will we be able to vote online?

Editorial: Arne Duncan leaves behind mixed legacy, passion for education

County leaders show support for Biskupski, criticize Becker for negative TV ad

Stewart supports Chaffetz's bid for House speaker

New Salt Lake County ordinance mandates pet stores sell only shelter animals

Lawmakers hear support for Medicaid expansion but not for taxing health care providers


Provo hosts police chiefs from throughout state to discuss '21st Century Policing' (Daily Herald)

Column: Chaffetz as House speaker a bad prospect for America (Standard-Examiner)

Park City candidates politely cover range of issues (Park Record)

National Headlines

Exclusive: Biden himself leaked word of his son's dying wish (Politico)

Obama avoids a showdown in Syria (Politico)

McCarthy's pitch to conservatives: 'I'm not John Boehner' (The Hill)

Clinton seeks to seize edge over Sanders on gun control (The Hill)

US to Release 6000 Inmates From Prisons (New York Times)

FBI probe of Clinton e-mail expands to second data company (Washington Post)

5 times Clinton broke from Obama (CNN)

Clinton to Colbert: I didn't ask Trump to run (USA Today)

White House says trade deal to boost auto sector (Detroit News)

In a Reunion, Bernanke and Geithner Revisit the Crisis (New York Times)

Bill Ackman's latest wager: Bloomberg for president (USA Today)