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Hatch Applauds Utah Sage Grouse Lawsuit

Monday, February 8, 2016 - 12:00pm
Senator Orrin Hatch

Hatch Applauds Utah Sage-grouse Lawsuit


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement in strong support of Utah’s lawsuit against the federal government’s management plans for the Greater Sage-grouse:


“For years, our state’s leaders have worked tirelessly to develop and implement careful and responsible plans to protect the Greater Sage-grouse and its habitat. These efforts have produced laudable results in the continued conservation and recovery of the species. Unfortunately, the Obama administration has decided to fudge the facts and flout the law in pursuit of its radical anti-development agenda. I applaud Governor Herbert for his efforts to hold the administration accountable and protect our lands and jobs from this latest federal overreach."



American Mining Group Lauds Gov. Herbert Sage Grouse Litigation


Utah is Right to Oppose BLM Epic Land Grab 


The American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA) today lauds Utah Governor Gary Herbert’s decision to sue the federal government over the deeply flawed Land Use Plan Amendments (LUPA) and the recommended mineral withdrawals.


“Gov. Herbert’s choice to put best available science and state solutions above a politically driven federal land grab is welcome. Sadly, the BLM set this unfortunate course to litigation long ago by its arbitrary dismissal of the state’s efforts.” said Laura Skaer, AEMA Executive Director.


Gov. Herbert’s announcement highlights the deep impacts of the LUPAs and mineral withdrawals on public access and economic well-being for the rural communities who count on these lands the most.


Skaer added “We believe this is only the beginning of many long legal challenges over a poorly executed and unnecessary land use planning process. We are encouraged by Gov. Herbert’s willingness to defend the constituent developed state plan that at one time received a concurrence letter from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Agency and was a co-preferred alternative. We wish Gov. Herbert much success in this important battle for Utah and the west.”




American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA) is a 122-year old, 2,100 member national association representing the minerals industry with members residing in 42 U.S. states, seven Canadian provinces or territories, and 10 other countries. AEMA is the recognized national voice for exploration, the junior mining sector, and maintaining access to public lands, and represents the entire mining life cycle, from exploration to reclamation and closure.