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Hatch, Leahy Introduce ARTS Act

Monday, February 8, 2016 - 5:00pm
Senator Orrin Hatch

Subdivision Land Use Authority (SLUA)


Notice Date & Time: 2/8/16 5:00 PM



Held at the Perry/Willard Wastewater Treatment Facility
975 West 1000 North Willard Utah 84340
Monday, February 8, 2016
5:00 PM

1. Welcome & Call to Order
2. Approval of the Minutes - October 12, 2015; November 16, 2015 and January 11, 2016 meetings.
3. Agenda Items
A. Declare Conflict of Interest, If any
B. Approval of the Agenda
C. Public Comments (if any)
D. Plant Manager Items - Jeff Hollingsworth
E. Call Outs
F. Items to be purchased - Discussion/Action - Request for update on estimated delivery of vehicle for Plant Operator use approved during November 19, 2015 meeting.
G. Discussion/Action on presentation from Hal Allen Jr. on the process of setting up financial operation of the WWTFB as a separate entity
H. Discussion/action - Hiring a Board Secretary
I. Discussion/Action - Status of Hiring a Part-Time or Emergency Operator
J. Discussion of Plant Manager Jeff Hollingsworth vacation hours
K. Discussion/Update on Permit Status.
L. Board Member Items
M. Payment Approval
4. Action Taken
5. Items for Next Agenda (if any)
6. Adjournment

The undersigned duly appointed official herby certifies that a copy of the foregoing agenda was posted at the Perry/Willard Treatment Facility and State Website, sent to each member of the Perry/Willard Wastewater Facility Board, other designated City Officials, the Perry City Offices, and the Willard City Office. It was e-mailed/faxed to the Box Elder News Journal Correspondent the 5th day of February, 2016. Any Individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City Office at least 3 days in advance (435-734-9881)