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Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce 'Made in USA' Legislation

Monday, June 8, 2015 - 9:45am
Senator Mike Lee


Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce 'Made in USA' Legislation

WASHINGTON - Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) Senator King (I-ME), Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) introduced the Reinforcing American-Made Products Act (S. 1518). The bill seeks to make it easier for American manufacturers to use the “Made in USA” label without weakening the “Made in USA” standard.
“The ‘Made in USA’ label carries a great deal of importance and influence and many companies strive to boast that their products meet the country's rigorous standard,” said Senator Mike Lee. “Without weakening the standard, my colleagues and I hope to make use of the label less complicated, thus supporting American manufacturing jobs, limiting frivolous lawsuits, and strengthening the U.S. economy.”
“The revitalization of American manufacturing begins with ensuring that U.S. manufacturers do not face excessive burdens at home,” said Senator Angus King. “And allowing a more complex and burdensome state standard on so-called Made in the USA labeling to supersede a strong federal standard complicates the work of manufacturers across the country who are, in fact, making it in America, and contributing to their local economies. This legislation would maintain a clear national standard which will keep consumers informed and encourage our domestic manufacturers to keep making products right here at home.”
“Many products bearing the ‘Made in the USA’ label are manufactured by American workers in Maine and across our country.  It is critical to do everything that we can to protect the intent of this standard, which allows for products to be labeled ‘Made in the USA’ even if a small piece, such as a screw or a shoe lace, is sourced from a foreign country,” said Senator Susan Collins. “This common sense legislation will ensure a uniform standard across the nation and avoid unnecessary and costly hardships for companies who choose to support American jobs rather than ship them overseas.”
The Made in USA Act would ensure that the federal government maintains authority in setting country-of-origin labeling standards and that states do not create a patchwork of different standards governing interstate and exported goods. One state has complicated our country standard, setting a rigid 100 percent threshold and exposing manufacturers to unnecessary litigation. The Reinforcing American-Made Products Act would fix that by creating one national standard.