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These 13 Counties Started Work Requirements to Get Food Stamps. Here's What Happened.

Thursday, June 8, 2017 - 11:30am
The Daily Signal

These 13 Counties Started Work Requirements to Get Food Stamps. Here's What Happened.


Statewide, a total of 13,663 able-bodied adults without children or other dependents were enrolled in the food stamp program before the change implemented Jan. 1.

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Why Today's British Election Matters


At stake is the future of Brexit, following the decision of the British people to leave the European Union in a historic referendum held on June 23 last year.

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6 Crimes Special Counsel Might Pursue in Trump-Russia Probe


Barring any new bombshells when former FBI Director James Comey testifies today, legal experts identify a few directions the case could go under special counsel Robert Mueller's direction if evidence emerges of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

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How a Family Doctor Works With Police to Combat a Rural County's Opioid Epidemic


For the past 10 years, this doctor has reported to law enforcement anybody he comes into contact with or knows about who he suspects to have sold or otherwise illicitly misused drugs, including prescription painkillers.

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For Scotland, Independence, Not Terrorism, Is the Closing Argument to Today's British Election


"If we were separated from the U.K.'s foreign policy, it would lessen the risk of an attack. I'm not saying we're immune from it. But the integration of the Muslim community has been much better here in Scotland," says a former Scottish member of parliament.

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Justice Department Ends Government Bankrolling of Liberal Groups in Legal Settlements


Left-wing groups, including La Raza and NeighborWorks America, had benefited from this Justice Department practice.

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'Too Big to Fail' Has Been Damaging for America. This Bill Would Finally End It.


The only way to end "too big to fail" is to ensure that institutions that are too big can fail.

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Meet the 'Bernie Sanders' of Britain Who May Rise to Power


Jeremy Corbyn has been stridently anti-Israel, has openly praised Communist dictators, and has even worked with terrorist-linked organizations such as the Irish Republican Army, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

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