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North Ogden Master Plan

Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - 9:45am
Dawn Scothern

North Ogden—Annette Spendlove of North Ogden City Administration, relative to the Master Plan update, reports that they have a committee working on it and are not ready to release information, but should be finished about the end of summer.


There is a lot of work that has been going on behind the old Smiths store that used to be an alley, which will give better access from 2600 North in and out of the new Smiths Marketplace. It has been prepared, with road base for asphalt, target completion date at end of June.


A new store next door to Zhangs Chinese Restaurant in the old dryer cleaner store, will become FIIZ—featuring drinks and snacks. The new owners are hopeful to see the store opening soon.