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September 7 - Kim Jong-un No Match for Irma

Friday, September 8, 2017 - 9:15am
John Kushma

Kim Jong-un No Match for Irma


Kim Jong-un, C’mon Man!  Don’t make me get my mother after you!  


Look at it this way, if we are a worldwide family of countries there is bound to be sibling rivalry.  Kim Jong-un is just trying to establish the pecking order and his position at the family table, and he is making a good showing of it.  You go girl!  You’ve got everyone all aflutter.    


It’s doubtful he really wants to blow up the world, maybe just the United States, but in theory only.  He must know that would be a bad idea.  Even talking about it is a bad idea.  I say, Kim, fuggetaboutit!  Actually, he is holding South Korea hostage, there are 10 million people in Seoul right across the border, not to mention the 30,000 U.S. military personnel and their dependents.  They are all immediately vulnerable to him.  And that’s no joke.  He does seem to be holding some pretty respectable cards, and he’s playing them for all they’re worth to him.  But if he wasn’t bluffing, he’d be holding those cards close to his vest, or tunic, whatever, and not balbbering all over the world about how he will “bury us”.  Nikita Khrushchev couldn’t even do that, and Kim is no Nikita.


But even so, Kim must know that it wouldn’t be wise to start a fight he could never finish.  At least you’d think he’d know that.  There is no question of the superior power, but there is also no question of the immediate catastrophic consequences, regarding Seoul, of an itchy trigger finger.       


It’s a tricky situation fraught with tension and Kim is doing a great job of keeping the tensions high.  Threats from him, counter-threats from President Trump.  All kind of silly, really.  Dangerously silly.  Boys will be boys.  But hats off to Kim for staying center stage on the world stage.  Not everyone can do that.


To me, the most silly aspect of this North Korean’s grab-a**ing are the photographs North Korea is releasing showing Kim standing next to a Jetson’s looking vacuum cleaner of an H-Bomb, smoking a cigarette, looking like some kind of a nutso Mouseketeer, conferring with his black clad Dr. Evil scientist-looking comrades or whatever you call them in North Korea ..mates, chums, dawgs, peeps.  Dean Martin would call them “Pallys”.  Just think, it was just last year that their rockets were made of plywood and 2x4’s!  I swear, I saw a video of the North Korean technicians preparing a rocket for launch and it looked like they were installing a wooden hatch cover with a hammer and nails.  


How serious is Kim to be taken?  In my opinion, about as serious as Dennis Rodman.  Meaning, the guy can play ball.  He may be foolish looking on the surface, but he definitely should be taken as a threat and played accordingly.  


But there is a much bigger threat here in our global family sibling rivalry.  The other siblings.  China and Russia foremost.  They’re all against the U.S.  They all want to see us fail.  Have no doubt about that.  They must be looking at the United States these days with Donald Trump at the helm like we look at North Korea with Kim Jong-un at the helm.  Sketchy, unbalanced.  And all this as our western European allies question the stability and loyalty of the United States with Trump as president.  He has already embarrassed himself and insulted most of them.  


Like hurricane Irma shaping up to impose some heavy damage and destruction, with tropical storms Jose and Katia to follow up, this world political power situation is similarly shaping up to impose some serious damage and devastation as well, with South America bringing up the rear.


My mother’s name was Irma.  So I know death and destruction (just kidding, Mom, you know I love you), and Kim Jong-un is no match for a force of nature like Irma.  In fact, any force of nature will trump any man-made force.  Last month’s eclipse was a sobering reminder and quick demonstration of the power of the sun.  The immediate effect on the earth’s light and temperature was sobering.  The power of weather is always a factor in logistical calculations and implementation.  It will stop you cold in your tracks.  Hurricane Harvey was just the beginning of our hurricane season here in the U.S. and it paralyzed a major city and displaced millions of people.  Do you think they were thinking of Kim Jong-un or ballistic missiles and H-Bomb rhetoric?  No, they were drowning and fighting to save their lives.  If a typhoon of similar proportions were to hit the Korean coast in the western pacific it would have the same devastating effect on that region regarding any man-made havoc that could be created.  If the weather is on your side, you have the tactical advantage, if not you don’t.  It’s just that simple. 


If you could control the weather, you‘d own the planet.  


Regarding our global family of countries and sibling rivalry, we actually are collectively controlling the weather through fossil fuel emissions, particulates and global warming.  We are literally owning the planet.  But not in a good way.  In a devastating, catastrophic way.  We won’t need any nukes or H-Bombs, or pudgy cartoon characters like Kim Jong-un or Donald Trump, or crafty, desperate villains like Vladimir Putin upstaging one another on the global stage of rhetoric to advance what is coming.  If we just keep doing what we’re doing we’ll all be more preoccupied with mandatory evacuations on a universal scale.  Just think, no more wars, no more crime more air more life as we knew it.  

So, Kim, C’mon Man!  We appreciate your drive, your chutzpah.  You’ve earned your place at the table.  Let’s talk, because we have bigger fish to fry.  


You are no match for Irma.  None of us are.  I know that for sure.   



John Kushma is a communication consultant and lives in Logan, Utah.