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Bad Bill Alert: HJR 7: Convention to Finish Destroying the U.S. Constitution

Monday, March 9, 2015 - 8:15am

See this complete threat assessment, with pictures and hyperlinks, at
HJR 7: Convention to Finish Destroying the U.S. Constitution
(Alert for 3/5/15): HJR 7 calls for a convention of the states, with delegates likely chosen by the corrupt federal congress.  These delegates could rewrite or abolish the U.S. constitution and its "Bill of Rights" to include the right to keep and bear arms.  Convention decisions could be ratified by whoever -- and however -- the delegates choose; entirely bypassing the state legislatures if they desire.

HJR 7 passed the house, senate committee, and awaits final senate floor action/votes. For UT Gun Rights' full threat assessment, click here.

Statutators Are Attacking Your Rights on Many Fronts
This statutory session ends on March 12th at Midnight, and there are numerous active threats to your right to keep and bear arms.  Follow the 2015 Bill Tracking Page: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly at