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Hatch’s Obamacare Alternative – A Look at What They’re Saying

Monday, March 9, 2015 - 8:30am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Hatch’s Obamacare Alternative – A Look at What They’re Saying


The Patient CARE Act is a bicameral legislative blueprint that repeals and replaces Obamacare with common-sense, patient-focused reforms that reduce health care costs and increase access to affordable, high-quality care. In contrast with Obamacare and its government-centered mandates and regulations, this proposal empowers the American people to make the best health care choices for themselves and their families. 


The Center for Health and Economy recently found that the Patient CARE Act would lower premiums, improve access to providers, increase medical productivity, and reduce the nation’s deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars.  The plan was unveiled earlier this year by U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), and House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.).


The Chicago Tribune: If Obamacare Fails

By The Editors 


“The best blueprint we've seen — call it Plan B if you wish — comes from Republican Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina and Orrin Hatch of Utah, and Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan….Burr-Hatch-Upton could be the framework for Plan B, as in bipartisan.”


Bloomberg View: An Actual Republican Alternative to Obamacare

By The Editors


“A viable Republican substitute for Obamacare used to be the yeti of Capitol Hill: often talked about, never seen. But it has suddenly become real.”


National Review Online: A Creditable Plan

By The Editors                       


“This health-care proposal remains…the best one to have emerged from Congress.


The Wall Street Journal: 3 Republicans Revise Proposal for Obamacare Alternative

By Louise Radnofsky


“A trio of congressional Republicans are putting out a fresh version of their suggestions for the party’s proposal for an Affordable Care Act alternative…”


Forbes: The Impressive New Obamacare Replacement Plan From Republicans Burr, Hatch, and Upton

By Avik Roy


“…a new and improved version of their proposal, one that continues to be a model GOP health-reform plan.”


National Review Online: A House-Senate Obamacare Replacement

By Yuval Levin                        


“…Burr, Hatch, and Upton have proposed the most plausible and promising conservative health-care idea we’ve seen in Congress.”


Brookings: Two Cheers for the GOP’s Burr, Hatch and Upton Alternative to Obamacare

By Stuart M. Butler


“…the Burr-Hatch-Upton plan is an important proposal from leading GOP lawmakers and includes approaches that contain the basis for agreement.”


Politico: Key GOP lawmakers outline an Obamacare replacement plan

By Erin Mershon


“Three influential Republicans on Capitol Hill are set to release the most serious GOP alternative to Obamacare to date.”


National Review Online: Means and Ends in Health Care

By Yuval Levin


“At the core of this proposal, as of most other conservative health-care proposals, is the idea that what American health care needs is not consolidation and centralized control but decentralization and real competition.”