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North Ogden Updates documents

Friday, March 9, 2018 - 10:45am

Documents Updated

City Council

City Council Meeting - Amended

Notice Date & Time: 3/6/18 6:00 PM



MARCH 6, 2018 - 6 PM
505 EAST 2600 NORTH

Welcome: Mayor Chugg
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Council Member Stoker

1. Discussion and/or action to consider January 8, 2018 City Council Meeting minutes
2. Discussion and/or action to consider January 11, 2018 City Council Meeting minutes
3. Discussion and/or action to consider January 19, 2018 City Council Meeting minutes

1. Public Comments*
2. Discussion and/or action to consider a request from Dave Marsh concerning sidewalks on 2000 N
Presenter: Jon Call, City Administrator/Attorney and Dave Marsh
3. Discussion and/or action to consider a request from Belle Isle HOA regarding property in Roylance Farms PRUD that they would like North Ogden City to accept
Presenter: Jon Call, City Administrator/Attorney
4. Planning Commission Annual Update
Presenter: Rob Scott, Planning Director
5. Discussion on Airbnb Short Term Rental
Presenter: Rob Scott, Planning Director
6. Discussion and/or action to consider amending Ordinance 2018-04 boundary line adjustment
Presenter: Rob Scott, Planning Director
7. Discussion and/or action to consider appointing Alan Lunt to the Planning Commission
Presenter: Mayor Chugg
8. Discussion and/or action to consider adding a flashing crossing sign at the canal trail & 450 East right
below 3300 North
Presenter: Council Member Swanson
9. Discussion and/or action to amend Ordinance 2017-30 annexing property located at approx. 2521 North
Mountain Road
Presenter: Annette Spendlove, City Recorder/HR Director
10. Discussion and/or action to a set a schedule to fill a mid-term vacancy on the City Council
Presenter: Annette Spendlove, City Recorder/HR Director
11. Discussion and/or action about the Miss North Ogden Pageant
Presenter: Annette Spendlove, City Recorder/HR Director
12. Public Comments*
13. Council/Mayor/Staff Comments
14. Adjournment