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Update on SB54 Legal Challenge

Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 9:00am

Earlier this year, the Utah Republican Party filed a preliminary injunction against SB54 (the compromise between the state legislature and Count My Vote) in the United States District Court for the District of Utah, Central Division. Since SB54 went into effect on January 1st, we are asking the court to impose a stay on the law while the litigation process moves forward. The injunction hearing is scheduled for this Friday, April 10th at 9 AM.

While the Party recognizes that it has to meet a high standard in order for the court to grant the injunction, I'm confident that we have been able to demonstrate the irreparable harm that SB54 poses, especially with respect to our candidates potentially not having their names on the ballot. We believe that it is appropriate for the court to grant the Party this relief while we wait for the final decision to come down in late 2015 or early 2016.

Our full legal team will be present for this Friday's hearing, allowing us to put our best foot forward in presenting our case to the judge, who will be making a decision on the preliminary injunction within the next month. I can say with conviction that the Party is making every effort to be successful in this dispute concerning our constitutional rights. Despite the litigation, it is vital for us as Republicans to remain unified around our core principles: limited government, fiscal responsibility, and good government.

It is important to remember that Utah continues to lead the nation in job growth and business expansion. The Party is grateful to our incredible elected officials who have helped our state become so successful and we encourage you to voice your support for them. Thank you for your support of the Party and our Republican elected officials.