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Invitation to The February Davis County Citizens Evening

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 - 7:00pm

Invitation to The February Davis County Citizens Evening

Please list this event in your community events calendar so all interested citizens will be informed of this opportunity to inform and be informed about current issues through civil political discourse.

We will discuss “News From the Current Utah Legislative Session” at the next Davis County “Citizens Evening”, Wednesday, February 19, 2014 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the auditorium of the Davis County Library at 133 S. Main St., Farmington, Utah. Peter Cannon, a 6-year veteran citizen lobbyist, will answer questions and help attendees navigate the legislature's web site. All attendees can express their opinions and ask questions. Citizens Evenings are open to all, informal and free of charge.

The Citizens Evening provides a forum in which citizens of good will can explore political principles, issues and candidates in a non-threatening environment. Participants are encouraged to present political facts and ideas in a good-hearted effort to persuade others to their point of view. These discussions are conducted in an environment of civil political discourse where personal attacks are discouraged.

Ever since free men have attempted to govern themselves, citizens have gathered to discuss how best to do it. In our current society, there are precious few places where it is considered proper to discuss differing political ideas. We often cannot discuss politics in school, in church, at work, or at social events. It seems we can only express our political opinion in the meetings of a like-minded group. As a result, our political process becomes ever more polarized and well intentioned citizens have difficulty understanding the motives and principles of their opposition.

The success of self government depends on participation by all citizens. Therefore we welcome citizens of every party affiliation and faction, every age and economic status, every faith and family status, every education and income level to join us for the Citizens Evening. Ensure your viewpoint is represented by attending the next Citizens Evening on Wednesday, February 19.

Citizens Evenings are hosted by the Committee for Citizens Communication. Call, text or email Peter Cannon with questions at 801-499-9091 or
