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MEDIA ADVISORY: Lee, Herbert Host Utah Solutions Summit on Improving America's Regulatory Climate

Thursday, August 21, 2014 - 8:00am

August 12, 2014


MEDIA ADVISORY: Lee, Herbert Host Utah Solutions Summit on Improving America's Regulatory Climate

Senator Tom Coburn (OK) to Deliver Keynote Address

Senator Lee, Governor Gary Herbert, Salt Lake Chamber, the Utah League of Cities and Towns, and the Utah Association of Counties will host a daylong solutions summit to discuss America’s vast and uncertain regulatory burden that is hindering economic growth, exacerbating unemployment, and making it harder for Utah businesses to succeed.  The summit will facilitate a discussion of regulatory compliance issues states, communities, and businesses must deal with and offer a number of solutions to improve America’s economy through regulatory reform.

Senator Mike Lee, Governor Gary Herbert* and Lt. Governor Spencer Cox will give remarks, along with Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who will deliver a special keynote address in the morning.  The early session will also include two panels featuring state and city officials, as well as business leaders to discuss the relationship between regulation and economic development. 

The media is invited to attend the morning and lunch speeches, as well as the panel discussions.  There will be special seating for reporters, along with access to Wi-Fi.  Live blogging and tweeting are encouraged.  Following the lunch speech, media outlets will have special access to the event speakers for one-on-one interviews. 

Media is required to RSVP no later than Tuesday, August 19, 2014 to Emily Long, 202-224-3904

*Governor Herbert will not be in attendance.  His remarks will be delivered by pre-taped video.



August 21, 2014

Little America Hotel

Salt Lake City


Agenda (subject to change):


8:00am Registration


8:30am Welcome

United States Senator Mike Lee


9:15am Keynote

United States Senator Tom Coburn


10:00am Local Regulations Panel Discussion

Chris Gamvroulas, President of Ivory Development, Ivory Homes

John Curtis, Mayor, Provo City

Stuart Clason, Director of Economic Development, Salt Lake City

Caitlin Gochnour, Ogden City Council

Maxine Turner, President, Cuisine Unlimited, Inc.


11:00am State Regulations Panel Discussion

Rich Walje, President & CEO, Rocky Mountain Power

Natalie Gochnour, Chief Economist, Salt Lake Chamber

Darrel Bostwick, Bostwick & Price

Bryce Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality, Utah Department of Environmental Quality


11:45am Welcome

Governor Gary Herbert (by video)


11:50pm Lunch


12:20pm Speech

Lt. Governor Spencer Cox


12:50pm One-on-One Interviews with Event Speakers

