Electrofishing Rock Creek to check fish populations
What: A DWR fisheries crew has been using electrofishing equipment to conduct a survey of the fish populations in Rock Creek. This stream is only surveyed every five years and is home to a variety of trout species. After the biologists scoop up the fish and collect the necessary data, the fish will be returned to the stream unharmed. Reporters and photographers are invited to join the fisheries crew at the creek and learn more about Utah’s efforts to monitor and manage fish populations.
When: From now until Sept. 11 (call contact to schedule)
Where: Rock Creek (in the Uinta Mountains)
Contact: Ron Stewart, 435-247-1559
Ride along with a conservation officer
What: Many of Utah’s conservation officers are in the backcountry, making sure that hunters obey the law and hunt safely. Reporters and photographers are invited to join a DWR conservation officer in the field. You’ll get a close look as officers talk to hunters, check their game, issue citations and promote safe hunting.
When: Throughout September
Where: Areas across northeastern Utah
Contact: Lt. Torrey Christophersen, 435-790-2291