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Morning must reads for Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 10:45am
Utah Policy

Local News Highlights: Daily Briefing

Morning must reads for Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Good Wednesday morning from Salt Lake City. Today is the 130th day of the year. There are 235 days remaining in 2017. Today is the 111th day of Donald Trump's presidency.

Trump fires Comey. DeVos touts school choice in Utah. Utah Republicans want to change their rules for a special election to fill a vacancy in Congress.

The clock:

  • 10 days until the Utah Republican State Convention (5/20/2017)

  • 38 days until the Utah Democratic State Convention at Weber State University (6/17/2017)

  • 181 days until the 2017 municipal elections (11/7/2017)

  • 257 days until the opening day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (1/22/2018)

  • 302 days until the final day of the 2018 Utah Legislature (3/8/2018)

  • 545 days until the 2018 midterm elections (11/6/2018)

  • 1,273 days until the 2020 presidential election (11/3/2020)

Today's political TL; DR -

  • The Utah GOP wants to change party rules on what should be done in the case of a special election to fill a vacancy in Congress [Utah Policy].
  • Sen. Orrin Hatch says repealing Obamacare will be difficult because once Americans are "on the dole, they'll take every dime they can" [Utah Policy].
  • The indications a "wave election" may be coming in 2018 are starting to stack up [Utah Policy].
  • Paging Archibald Cox. President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, which could upend the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election [New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Washington Post, Politico].
  • The New York Times editorial board railed against Trump's firing of Comey, saying the move raises the specter of political interference into an active investigation by a sitting president [New York Times].
  • Comey's firing is bringing calls for an independent investigation into Trump's ties to Russia from both sides of the aisle [New York Times].
  • Trump has now fired three people who were actively involved in investigations into dealings with Russia [Axios].
  • A grand jury has issued subpoenas to associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as part of the FBI's investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election [CNN].
  • Education Secretary Betsy DeVos touts school choice during a visit to Utah [Deseret News, Tribune].
  • Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke wraps up his tour of public lands in Utah [Deseret News, Tribune].
  • Senate leaders are preparing for a months-long process to come up with their own health care reform bill [Bloomberg].
  • President Donald Trump is pushing for an $800 billion cut in entitlement programs over the next decade [Roll Call].
  • The U.S. Census director has resigned because of inadequate funding for the 2020 count [Washington Post].
  • Here's a fascinating look into how French officials were able to beat back hackers who tried to influence their presidential election [New York Times].
  • Utah Mormons say the LDS Church has less political clout than other sectors like teachers and Utah's tourism industry [Tribune].
  • Some Utah County residents want a commission to look into alleged misconduct in the county attorney's office [Tribune].
  • Bars and restaurants in Utah now must post signs informing customers about what kind of liquor license they hold under new liquor laws that went into effect this week [Deseret News, Tribune].
  • Utahns are feeling some pain at the pump as gasoline prices are the 11th highest in the country [Deseret News].

On this day in history:

  • 1775 - Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys captured the British-held fortress at Ticonderoga, N.Y.
  • 1865 - Confederate President Jefferson Davis was captured by Union troops. He spent the next two years in prison.
  • 1869 - A golden spike was driven at Promontory, Utah, marking the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States.
  • 1924 - J. Edgar Hoover was appointed director of the federal Bureau of Investigation - the forerunner of the FBI - a job he held until his death in 1972.
  • 1933 - The Nazis staged massive public book burnings in Germany.
  • 1984 - A federal judge in Utah found the U.S. government negligent in above-ground Nevada nuclear tests from 1951 to 1962 that exposed downwind residents to radiation.



Today At Utah Policy

Utah GOP proposes rule change targeting special elections for Congress
By Bob Bernick, Contributing Editor
GOP Gov. Gary Herbert may well be facing a group of unhappy Republican Party delegates on May 20....

Hatch suggests Obamacare recipients are 'on the dole'
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Sen. Orrin Hatch said Tuesday that it will be very difficult to replace the Affordable Care Act because recipients will be reluctant to give up the entitlement....

Weekly survey: Who will win the race for GOP Chair?
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
Next week Utah Republicans will elect a chairman to lead the party for the next two years. Who do you think will win that election? Vote in our weekly survey....

Republicans may be staring down the barrel of a 'wave election' in 2018
By Bryan Schott, Managing Editor
President Donald Trump has historically low approval ratings. The Republican-controlled house just pushed through a highly controversial piece of legislation on party lines. These factors could prove to be trouble in next year's midterm election....

Policy News


Bishop thanks Secretary Zinke for Utah visit
On April 26, 2017 President Trump signed an Executive Order on the Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act....

Trade mission to Singapore & Vietnam
World Trade Center Utah and the Governor's Office of Economic Development invite Utah companies interested in growing their business in Singapore & Vietnam to join us on this trade mission led by Governor Gary R. Herbert....


Women's Leadership Institute 3rd annual ElevateHER Challenge luncheon
The Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI) celebrated its 3rd annual ElevateHER Challenge luncheon Tuesday in the Zions Bank Founder’s Room....

Local Headlines

Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: Hatch continues to belittle Native Americans in Bears Ears dispute

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos touts school choice, innovation in SLC while protesters gather

Is there prosecutor misconduct in Utah County? Citizen group wants oversight commission formed to find out

Hatch on health care overhaul: 'The public wants every dime they can be given'

Utah bars and restaurants must now have signs telling patrons whether they're in a bar or a restaurant

After hearing from Utahns, Zinke confident he can resolve conflict over Bears Ears National Monument

Tribal leaders demand apology from Hatch after he said they 'don't fully understand' Bears Ears implications

Mormons view LDS Church political clout in Utah as less than tourism industry, teachers, minorities

Deseret News

Boyd Matheson: The Navy SEAL and the Bears Ears

Op-ed: Celebrating National Teacher Appreciation Week

Mike Lee: Bringing higher education regulation into the 21st Century

Editorial: Prepare to help displaced coal workers in San Juan County

Defense industry plays big role in Utah economy, study shows

National inequality expert: 'Utah's rich are only merely rich instead of extraordinarily rich'

Zinke rides with cattle ranchers working on Bears Ears

It's a sign: Utah restaurants, bars post notices to comply with new law

U.S. education secretary says choice needed in 'antiquated' system


Park City's top political question remains unanswered (Park Record)

National Headlines

Why Liberals Aren't as Tolerant as They Think (Politico)

Cummings wants 'emergency hearings' over Comey firing (The Hill)

Comey firing: Reaction from members of Congress on FBI director's dismissal (Washington Post)

Chelsea Manning speaks out for first time since clemency win (CBS News)

Seattle mayor abandons re-election campaign after sex claims (Washington Post)

Donald Trump is stronger than he looks (Washington Times)

How Trump Will Transform the Federal Courts (Slate)

'Y'all see why I voted for him?': Jimmy Carter says he was a Bernie Sanders supporter (Washington Post)

Carl Icahn Scrutinized for Shaping Policy That Helped Him Profit (New York Times)

US Job Openings Near Record High (Forbes)

Energy state Republicans under pressure on methane rule (Associated Press)

Wise Words


"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." George Washington


Lighter Side

"According to a new biography, former President Obama proposed to a serious girlfriend he had before he met Michelle Obama, but he paused so long she walked away." Seth Meyer