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Trooper Ellsworth Fundraising Day Sat 7 AM ·

Saturday, June 10, 2017 - 7:00am

Trooper Ellsworth Fundraising Day

Sat 7 AM · Clearfield High School · Clearfield




34 Going · 97 Interested

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In late November 2016, Utah Highway Patrol Trooper, Eric Ellsworth, was struck by a vehicle while directing other vehicles around a traffic hazard. After several days in intensive care, he succumbed to the injuries sustained in this accident and passed away on November 22nd.

Trooper Ellsworth leaves behind a wife and 3 young sons. Just weeks after this tragedy, the CVHBA Giving Back Foundation began an effort to raise the money necessary to pay off Trooper Ellsworth's home for his widow so she can focus on her children during these difficult times rather than worrying about this immediate and long-term financial burden in raising her young family.

With 100% of the proceeds going to support Trooper Ellsworth's family, please be a part of raising the necessary funds to pay off their family home and give his children what they need most at this time - the love and undivided attention of their mother.

