Notice Date & Time: 8/23/17 2:00 PM
The agenda for the conference consists of the following:
A. Welcome - Steve Ballard, Chair
B. Consent Item
Request for approval of the minutes for the meeting held on May 25, 2017.
C. Action Items
1. Discussion and/or action on grant application form Wildflower Pedalfest, LLC for the Wildflower Trailfest event on July 14, 2017.
Presenter: Sara Toliver
2. Discussion and/or action on grant application from Ogden Valley Winter Sports Foundation for their events that they will be hosting during the 2017/2018 winter season.
Presenter: Sara Toliver
3. Discussion and/or action on grant application from Ogden School Foundation for the Ogden Peaks Classic that will be held June 29-July 1, 2017.
Presenter: Sara Toliver
4. Discussion and/or action on follow up to TRCC Funding presentation made to County Commission.
Presenter: Steve Ballard
D. Other
E. Adjourn