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Box Elder/Perry Flood Control

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 - 5:30pm

Box Elder/Perry Flood Control

Perry Flood Control Board Meeting

Notice Date & Time: 8/15/18 5:30 PM -8/15/18 6:30 PM



Administrative Control Board Meeting
For the Box Elder and Perry City Flood Control Special Service District Amended Agenda
Perry City Offices
Wednesday, August 15, 2018 5:30 p.m.
1. Welcome & Call to Order
2. Approve Minutes for July 18, 2018 and August 1, 2018
3. Public Comments
(1) Please speak Only Once (Maximum 3 Minutes) per Agenda item;
(2) Please speak in a courteous and professional manner;
(3) do not speak to specific member(s) of the Board, Staff, or Public
(please speak to the Chairman or to the Board Members as a Group);
(4) Please present possible solutions for all problems Identified; and
(5) No Decision may be made during this meeting if the Item is not
specifically, on the Agenda.
4. Update on status of Mathias Basin grant
5. Discussion on the DWR Revised Land Water Use Application.
6. Review Bids and Award Contract for Wagstaff Ditch
7. Approve Ormond Construction Invoice
8. Motion to approve Invoice Payments (Roll Call Vote)
9. September Agenda Items
10. Adjournment (Next regular meeting on September 19, 2018 at 5:30 (p.m.)
Certificate of Posting
The Undersigned Duly Appointed Official Hereby Certifies that a copy of the foregoing Agenda was sent to each Member of the Board and posted in Three Locations at the Perry City Offices, Centennial Park, Perry City Park, and Faxed to the Ogden Standard-Examiner and Box Elder News Journal on this 13th day of August 2018.
