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Weber County Commission

Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - 10:00am

Weber County Commission

Notice Date & Time: 10/1/02 12:00 AM




PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 1st day of April 2014.

The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:

A. Welcome - Commissioner Gibson

B. Pledge of Allegiance ?Fatima Fernelius

C. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Zogmaister

D. Consent Items

1. Request for approval of Purchase Orders in the amount of $2,223,043.81.
2. Request for approval of Warrants #307715 - #308047 in the amount of $2,332,073.95.
3. Request for approval of the minutes for the meeting held on March 25, 2014.
4. Request for approval of new business licenses.
5. Request for Assurances relating to real property acquisition for the Debris Removal and Bank Protection Sites for the Weber County Emergency Watershed Protection project.
6. Request for approval to set the date of April 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. for a public hearing to consider amending Title 104 (Zones); Chapter 5 (Agricultural-1); Section 7 (Site Development Standards); of the Weber County Land Use Code, by reducing the minimum separation (setback) standard in between a main building and an accessory structure.
E. Action

1. Request for approval of the Weber County 2014 Polling Locations.
Presenter: Jennifer Morrell

2. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and Lexipol for an addendum to the Lexipol Contract for Custody Policy Manual and Daily Training Bulletins for the Corrections Division.
Presenter: Steffani Ebert

3. Request for approval of Weber County P-card Policy revision.
Presenter: Annette Jacobs

4. Request for approval of a contract by and among Weber County, Weber Fire District and the Utah Division of Forestry for amendments to the funding of the Weber County Fire Warden.
Presenter: Commissioner Gibson

5. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and CK Construction Corporation to replace countertops in the Weber Center public restrooms, along with new sinks/basins and the related hardware.
Presenter: Nate Pierce

6. Request for approval of a contract by and between Weber County and THM Remodeling Services for the remodeling of the Weber Center Conference Room.
Presenter: Nate Pierce

7. Request for discussion and/or approval of an access easement for the Pas De Calais Subdivision.
Presenter: Jared Andersen

F. Public Hearing(s)

1. Request for a motion to adjourn public meeting and convene public hearing(s).

2. Public hearing on proposed amendments to the Weber County Land Use Code Title 108 (Standards) Chapter 1 (Design Review), Title 101 (General Provisions) Section 101-7-7 (Definitions), and Title 106 (Subdivisions) Chapter 1 (General Provisions) Section 106-1-8 Final Plat Requirements and Approval Procedure.
Presenter: Jim Gentry

3. Public hearing on proposed amendments to the Weber Count Land Use Code Title 104 (Zones) Chapter 23 (Ogden Valley Manufacturing Zones MV-1) Section 2 (Permitted Uses) by adding Small Brewery and Distillery and Title 101(General Provisions) Section 101-7-7 (Definitions).
Presenter: Jim Gentry

4. Request for a motion to adjourn public hearings and reconvene public meeting.

G. Action on Public hearing(s)

1. Request for approval of amendments to the Weber County Land Use Code Title 108 (Standards) Chapter 1 (Design Review), Title 101 (General Provisions) Section 101-7-7 (Definitions), and Title 106 (Subdivisions) Chapter 1 (General Provisions) Section 106-1-8 Final Plat Requirements and Approval Procedure.

2. Request for approval of amendments to the Weber Count Land Use Code Title 104 (Zones) Chapter 23 (Ogden Valley Manufacturing Zones MV-1) Section 2 (Permitted Uses) by adding Small Brewery and Distillery and Title 101(General Provisions) Section 101-7-7(Definitions).

H. Assign Pledge of Allegiance and Thought of the Day for Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.

I. Public Comments

J. Adjourn
