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"He's Just Being a Boy..." 10 Things People Say to Parents of Extreme Children

Saturday, July 13, 2019 - 3:45pm

"He's Just Being a Boy."
"ADD Is an Excuse for Bad Parenting."
"Have You Ever Tried Using a Reward Chart?"

Why do people feel justified in dumping unsolicited advice on parents of extreme kids? Telling an in-law or fellow parent where to shove their sticker chart might feel good in the moment, but it won’t solve anything. The top 10 things we hear + how to respond thoughtfully when you want to scream →


Parenting a Socially Immature Child
Kids with ADHD often lag behind their peers in maturity, and have difficulty reading verbal and physical social cues.
How parents can help →

"Adulting Is Hard. Teening May Be Harder."
"Overnight, my hyper little boy became a moody teenager. Here's how a softer parenting approach has helped to adjust his attitude."
Read more →




"My Son Smothers Friends"
Q: "Then, when the other child gets scared away by the hyperfocus on him, my son feels devastated by the rejection."
Watch Ryan Wexelblatt's answer →

“My Child Lasted 1.5 Songs at the Chorus Concert”
"She recognized that she was losing control and honored her 'big feelings' by getting the heck off the stage. For us, this deserves applause."
Keep reading →


Help Her Worry Less
Join Drs. Perri Klass and Eileen Costello to learn about anxiety in boys & girls with ADHD & learning differences »

Helping Kids Overcome Failure
Repeated failures may keep a child from initiating tasks and taking risks. Learn how to get past this "Wall of Awful" »


+ More ADHD Parenting Webinars - Register now to save your place!

JULY 23: How to Optimize Stimulant Treatment for Children and Adults
JULY 30: Build Life-Long Executive Function Skills in Your Child with ADHD
AUG. 1: A Guide to the ADHD Medication Formulations and Delivery Options
AUG. 13: Teaching Executive Functions to Children with ADHD
AUG. 29: Reset Your Schedule for School: A Calmer, Happier, Easier Routine