Americans have to pay more for electricity and compete for fewer jobs because of President Obama’s regulatory curbs on fossil fuels at home, even as their tax dollars support expansion of those same energy sources abroad.
Daily Policy Focus: Instead of debating on their own merits each of the 12 spending bills that fund government agencies and programs, Congress could bundle all of them into one massive package and rush it through the voting process at the 11th hour.
If you want to see people who are afraid of an honest policy debate in America today, visit a college campus.
Holder Writes Off Benghazi Criticism as ‘Purely Political’
This Law Makes Sure Big Government Can’t Crush Religious Freedom
Texans Not Buying Obama’s Spending Plan for Border Crisis
Why Are So Many More Central Americans Trying to Cross the Border Illegally Now?
Santorum’s Lesson in Liberty for Senators Who Want to Override Hobby Lobby Ruling