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County Sheriffs Push Back Against Homeland Security's 'Not-So Veiled Threat'

Friday, February 6, 2015 - 8:15am

County Sheriffs Push Back Against Homeland Security's 'Not-So Veiled Threat'

News: Hundreds of miles from the nation's capital, local sheriffs are feeling reverberations from Congress' fight over Department of Homeland Security funding.

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Under Republican Control, the Senate Returns to Work

Commentary: Writing for The Daily Signal, Sen. John Thune, the chamber's third-ranking Republican, says the GOP has already allowed almost three times as many amendment roll call votes as the Democrat-led Senate conducted in all of 2014.

Read the Exclusive Op-Ed


Did Congress Lie About Key Facts to Obtain Obamacare Exemption?

News: "Washington insiders should be forced to live under Obamacare just like the rest of America without a special taxpayer funded subsidy," says Sen. David Vitter, who is leading the investigation.

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