Notice Date & Time: 3/20/15 1:00 PM
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Powder Mountain Water & Sewer Improvement District will hold a public meeting in Conference room #365 of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Blvd, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 1:00 pm on Friday, March 20, 2014.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome Trustee Matthew G Bell, Chair
B. Report on the Sewer System Paul Southwick, Sewer Manager
C. Report on the Water System Evan Miller, Water Manager
D. Report on the District Financials Angie Illum, Treasurer
E. Consent Items
1. Request for approval of District bills to be paid.
2. Request for approval of the minutes for the meeting held on 12-11-2014.
F. Public Comments
G. Action
1. Discussion and/or action on Out of Priority Diversion Agreement by and between Powder Mountain Water & Sewer Improvement District and Wolf Creek Irrigation Company.
Presenter: Mark Anderson
2. Discussion and/or action on participation in Utah Geological Survey Study.
Presenter: Matthew Bell
3. Discussion and/or action to consider authorizing a master plan and impact fees facility plan.
Presenter: Matthew Bell
4. Discussion and/or action on connecting the Sundown Lodge to the existing system.
Presenter: Matthew Bell
5. Discussion and/or action on inspection fees.
Presenter: Matthew Bell
6. Discussion and/or action to considering SCADA implementation.
Presenter: Matthew Bell
7. Discussion and/or action concerning construction of new homes in Powder Mountain West.
Presenter: Jennifer Reynolds
8. Discussion and/or action on Annexation and Development Agreement for the Summit ? Powder Mountain Development Project.
Presenter: Mark Anderson
H. Other/ Non-Action
1. Discussion on response to the Division of Drinking Water letter regarding inadequate source and storage capacities.
Presenter: Don Barnett
2. Discussion on Hidden Lake Well pump test / Summit?s water rights exchange application.
Presenter: Don Barnett
3. Discussion on setting a date to hold regular monthly meetings of the PMWSID Board of Trustees.
Presenter: Matthew Bell
I. Request for motion to adjourn the public meeting for strategy session to discuss the acquisition of real
property, including any form of water right, and to discuss the character, professional competence,
physical or mental health of an individual.
J. Request for motion to reconvene public meeting.
K. Adjourn