Notice Date & Time: 4/6/15 4:30 PM
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Weber Area Council of Governments will hold a regular meeting in the Break Out Room #105 of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Blvd, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 4:30pm on Monday, April 6, 2015.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome ?Chair Korry Green
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Invocation
D. Consent Item
Request for approval of minutes from March 2, 2015 meeting
E. Public Comments (3 minutes each )
F. Non-Action Items
1. HB 362 - Transportation Infrastructure Funding Presentation
Presenters: Cameron Diehl, Utah League of Cities and Towns
Andrew Gruber, Wasatch Front Regional Council
2. Lantern House Presentation
Presenter: Jenni Canter, St. Anne?s Center/Lantern House
3. Report on Transportation Technical Advisory Committee's (TAC) recommendation to Trans Com for project funding in the Draft Surface Transportation Program (STP), Congestion Mitigation/ Air Quality (CMAQ), and Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) programs
Presenter: Ben Wuthrich, Wasatch Front Regional Conference
G. Action Item
1. Discussion and/or Action on Local Transportation Funding Agreement Amendment Requests, as recommended by the WACOG Transportation Subcommittee
? 4400 South-Riverdale City $388,312
? Harrison Blvd.-Ogden City $450,000
? Skyline Drive-Pleasant View City $350,000
? 3500 West Closure @ Midland Dr.-UDOT/West Haven/Roy $250,000
? 400 E/450 E & Skyline Dr.-North Ogden City Request to Combine Funds
Presenter: Douglas Larsen, Weber Economic Development
2. Approval of the 2015 Weber County Local Transportation Fund application calendar
Presenter: Douglas Larsen, Weber Economic Development
H. Other
1. UTA Battery Electric Bus Tour
I. Adjourn