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Hatch Co-Sponsors Amendment to Protect Military Commissaries

Monday, June 8, 2015 - 9:45am
Senator Orrin Hatch

Hatch Co-Sponsors Amendment to Protect Military Commissaries


Washington, D.C.—Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, issued the following statement in support of Senator Jim Inhofe’s amendment to the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to protect military commissaries. As it stands, the current NDAA will authorize the Department of Defense to privatize commissaries at five major installations. This amendment will halt that privatization, and instead require the DOD to conduct an assessment for the purpose of reporting to Congress the potential costs and benefits of privatizing commissaries.



“Military service members, veterans, retirees, guardsmen, reservists, and their families rely on commissaries. Any change that affects them must be carefully considered. That’s why I am supporting Sen. Inhofe’s amendment, which requires careful deliberation before privatization may take place.”


The following organizations are opposed to the privatization language currently in the bill:

  • Air Force Sergeants Association
  • American Federation of Government Employees
  • American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations Teamsters
  • American Logistics Association
  • American Military Retirees Association
  • American Military Society
  • American Retirees Association
  • American Veterans
  • Armed Forces Marketing Council
  • Army and Navy Union
  • Association of the United States Army
  • Association of the United States Navy
  • Fleet Reserve Association
  • Gold Star Widows
  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  • Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America
  • Military Officers Association of America
  • Military Order of Foreign Wars
  • Military Order of the Purple Heart
  • National Association for Uniformed Services
  • National Defense Committee
  • National Guard Association of the United States
  • National Military Family Association
  • National Military and Veterans Alliance
  • Military Partners and Families Coalition
  • Military Officers Association of America
  • National Association for Uniformed Services
  • Society of Military Widows
  • The American Military Partner Association
  • The Coalition to Save Our Military Shopping Benefits
  • The Flag and General Officers Network
  • The Retired Enlisted Association
  • Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
  • The Retired Enlisted Association
  • Uniformed Services Disabled Retirees
  • United States Army Warrant Officers Association
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • Vietnam Veterans of America