Notice Date & Time: 5/26/15 6:30 PM
505 EAST 2600 NORTH
Welcome: Mayor Brent Taylor
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Council Member Cheryl Stoker
1. Consideration to approve the April 28, 2015 City Council Minutes
1. Public Comments*
2. Update from Miss North Ogden, Rose Storey
Presenter: Rose Storey, Miss North Ogden
3. Discussion and/or action to dispose of found property
Presenter: Jon Call, City Attorney
4. Discussion and/or action to consider an agreement for an access easement and encroachment
onto City owned property, located at approximately 615 E 2100 N
Presenter: Rob Scott, City Planner
5. Discussion and/or action to consider an agreement for an access easement to City owned
property, located at approximately 2992 N 300 E
Presenter: Rob Scott, City Planner
6. Public Comments*
7. Council/Mayor/Staff Comments
8. Adjournment
*Please see back of this document for Public Comments rules and procedures
*Resolution 4-2012, Rule VII: Conducting of Meetings and Agenda Definitions.
3. Public Comments/Questions.
a. Time is made available for anyone in the audience to address the Council and/or Mayor concerning matters pertaining to City business.
b. When a member of the audience addresses the Mayor and/or Council, he or she will come to the podium and state his or her name and address.
c. Citizens will be asked to limit their remarks/questions to five (5) minutes each.
d. The Mayor shall have discretion as to who will respond to a comment/question.
e. In all cases the criteria for response will be that comments/questions must be pertinent to City
business, that there are no argumentative questions and no personal attacks.
f. Some comments/questions may have to wait for a response until the next Regular Council Meeting.
g. The Mayor will inform a citizen when he or she has used the allotted time.