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GOP Leadership Prioritizes Corporate Welfare Over Defunding Planned Parenthood

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - 1:45pm
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell


July 28, 2015


GOP Leadership Prioritizes Corporate Welfare Over Defunding Planned Parenthood


If Republican leaders were serious about ending taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, they could attach the legislation to a bill Obama wants to sign, writes Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint.

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Mike Lee Secured a Commitment From GOP Leadership to Repeal Obamacare With a Simple Majority. Here's How.

Conservative Sen. Mike Lee struck a deal with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to repeal Obamacare through a budget tool known as reconciliation, which would allow the Senate to roll back the health care law with just a simply majority, 51 votes.

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How Planned Parenthood Gets Its Money, Explained in 90 Seconds

In light of recent undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of donated fetal organs, conservative lawmakers are aiming to strip the organization of its taxpayer funding.

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Will the Justice Department Conduct a Real Investigation of Hillary Clinton's Emails?

Hillary Clinton has preferential treatment so far, writes The Heritage Foundation's Hans von Spakovsky. Will this new investigation change that?

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What Is Life Really Like in North Korea? One Woman's Story

As a child, Hyeonseo Lee believed that Americans were evil, South Koreans were starving to death and North Koreans were better off than everybody else.

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Terror Gone Viral: Here's How Much ISIS Is Plotting Against the US

Officials have detected 33 ISIS-related plots against Western targets this year, 26 of them against the U.S., and 19 of those against U.S. military targets.

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