Notice Date & Time: 8/18/15 10:00 AM
Notice of a Regular Commission Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Weber County, Utah
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 18th day of August 2015.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome - Commissioner Gibson
B. Invocation -
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Sean Wilkinson
D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Bell
E. Consent Items
1. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $141,403.84.
2. Request for approval of warrants #323946-#324139 in the amount of $2,657,026.32.
3. Request for approval of minutes for the meeting held on August 11, 2015.
4. Request for approval of an amendment to a contract by and between Weber County and Logan Simpson
Design, Inc. to update the Ogden Valley General Plan.
F. Action Items
1. Request for approval of a right of way contract for 12th Street:
Christopher & Karlie Cook, Parcel 99
Presenter: Jared Andersen
2. Request for approval of Contract Modification #4 to provide engineering and design support during construction of 3500 W with Horrocks Engineers.
Presenter: Jared Anderson
3. Request for approval of right of way contracts for 3500 West. Alan J & Tamrah Munk, Parcel 107
Rick Underwood, Parcel 77
Cal & Jacki Sanders, Parcel 31
Kregg & Kami Thomassen, Parcel 62
Joseph & Norene Surrage, Parcels 131, 136
Kevin & Dawn Nordman, Parcel 47
Taylor West Weber Water Improvement District, Parcel 84
Mardell & Francis Godderidge, Parcel 99
David & Kathleen Hess, Parcel 83
Presenter: Jared Andersen
4. Request for approval to ratify a contract by and between Weber County and Rattlesnake Dave's West Texas Rattlesnake Show to have the Rattlesnake Dave's West Texas Rattlesnake Show at the 2015 Weber County Fair.
Presenter: Jan Wilson
5. Discussion and/or action on HB362 regarding implementation of a local option sales tax for transportation funding.
Presenter: Commissioner Gibson
G. Assign Pledge of Allegiance and Thought of the Day for Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
H. Public Comments. (Please limit comments to 3 minutes)
I. Adjourn
Notice Date & Time: 8/18/15 10:00 AM
Notice of a Regular Commission Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Weber County, Utah
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Weber County, Utah will hold a regular commission meeting in the Commission Chambers of the Weber Center, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, the 18th day of August 2015.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Welcome - Commissioner Gibson
B. Invocation -
C. Pledge of Allegiance - Sean Wilkinson
D. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Bell
E. Consent Items
1. Request for approval of purchase orders in the amount of $141,403.84.
2. Request for approval of warrants #323946-#324139 in the amount of $2,657,026.32.
3. Request for approval of minutes for the meeting held on August 11, 2015.
4. Request for approval of an amendment to a contract by and between Weber County and Logan Simpson
Design, Inc. to update the Ogden Valley General Plan.
F. Action Items
1. Request for approval of a right of way contract for 12th Street:
Christopher & Karlie Cook, Parcel 99
Presenter: Jared Andersen
2. Request for approval of Contract Modification #4 to provide engineering and design support during construction of 3500 W with Horrocks Engineers.
Presenter: Jared Anderson
Alan J & Tamrah Munk, Parcel 107
Rick Underwood, Parcel 77
Cal & Jacki Sanders, Parcel 31
Kregg & Kami Thomassen, Parcel 62
Joseph & Norene Surrage, Parcels 131, 136
Kevin & Dawn Nordman, Parcel 47
Taylor West Weber Water Improvement District, Parcel 84
Mardell & Francis Godderidge, Parcel 99
David & Kathleen Hess, Parcel 83
Presenter: Jared Andersen
3. Request for approval to ratify a contract by and between Weber County and Rattlesnake Dave's West Texas Rattlesnake Show to have the Rattlesnake Dave's West Texas Rattlesnake Show at the 2015 Weber County Fair.
Presenter: Jan Wilson
4. Discussion and/or action on HB362 regarding implementation of a local option sales tax for transportation funding.
Presenter: Commissioner Gibson
G. Assign Pledge of Allegiance and Thought of the Day for Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
H. Public Comments. (Please limit comments to 3 minutes)
I. Adjourn