Notice Date & Time: 10/19/15 10:00 AM
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Weber County Tax Review Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 19, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Weber County Commission Conference Room 365, 2380 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah.
The agenda for the meeting consists of the following:
A. Consent Item
Approval of minutes from September 14, 2015 meeting
B. Action Items
1. Parcel #06-028-0015 (David Holland) - Request to wave penalties and interest.
Presenter: Brenda Wheelwright
2. Parcel #22-058-0001 (Lance Bodie) - Request to allow 45% primary residential exemption and refund of overpayment for 2013 and 2014 taxes.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
3. Parcel #07-426-0008 (Richard Mael) - Request to refund overpayment of taxes for years 1998 to 2014.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
4. Parcel #16-122-0005 (Hoxer Family Trust, Gary Hoxer) - Request to refund overpayment of taxes for tax years 2009 through 2014.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
5. Parcel #22-242-0005 (Dennis King) - Request to allow primary residential status and tax refund based on that status for tax years 2012, 2013, 2014.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
6. Parcel #20-098-0004 (Gina Russell) - Request to allow primary residential status and tax refund based on that status for tax year 2014.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
7. Parcel #20-107-0002 (Penni LaRose) - Request to allow primary residential status and tax refund based on that status for tax years 2013 & 2014.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
8. Parcel #13-205-0006 (Deborah Holdsworth) - Request to allow primary residential status and tax refund based on that status for tax year 2014.
Presenter: Joe Olsen
C. Other
D. Adjourn
The undersigned, duly appointed Administrative Assistant in the Weber County Commission Office, does hereby certify that the above notice and agenda was posted as required by law this 15th day of October, 2015.