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Why Conservatives Might Not Demand a Conservative Speaker

Monday, October 19, 2015 - 7:45am
The Heritage Foundation - The Morning Bell

Oct. 19, 2015


Why Conservatives Might Not Demand a Conservative Speaker


Conservative lawmakers believe certain key changes would allow them to advance conservative policies by empowering rank-and-file members to have more influence in the legislative process.

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What Grade Sean Hannity Gives the GOP-Controlled Congress


In an interview with The Daily Signal, Sean Hannity said GOP lawmakers have shrunk from many battles.

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Two More Government-Funded Co-Ops Created Under Obamacare to Close


Health Republic Insurance of Oregon received $60.6 million in taxpayer-backed loans, and Colorado HealthOP received $72.3 million.

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Does the Public's Demand for Transparency Threaten America’s National Security? Gen. Michael Hayden Weighs In


The Daily Signal's Genevieve Wood sat down with former director of both the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency Gen. Michael Hayden to talk about Edward Snowden and the impact of social media on national security.

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How the Indiana Pizza Shop Responded After Being Tricked Into 'Catering' a Gay Wedding


When the owners of Memories Pizza in Indiana were posed a hypothetical question about whether they would cater a gay wedding earlier this year, the "intolerance" of their simple response that they would not resulted in a threat to burn down their shop.

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This Top Justice Department Official Is Wrong. American Culture Isn't Racist, Discriminatory.


The speech seemed to display hostility to law enforcement and make a wrongheaded assumption that Americans and American culture are racist and discriminatory.

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