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Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015 - 7:45am
Utah Policy

Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Monday, October 26, 2015

Good Monday morning from Salt Lake City. There are 66 days left in 2015.

A massive earthquake hits South Asia. Ben Carson calls for an end to abortion. Love named to the panel investigating Planned Parenthood.

The clock:

  • 8 days to the 2015 election - (11/3/2015)
  • 84 days to the 2016 Iowa Caucus (tentative) - (1/18/2016)
  • 91 days to the opening day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (1/25/2016)
  • 92 days to the 2016 New Hampshire Primary - (1/26/2016)
  • 137 days to the final day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (3/10/2016)
  • 247 days to the 2016 Utah primary election - (6/28/2016)
  • 379 days until the 2016 presidential election - (11/8/2016)

Monday's top-10 headlines:

  1. A massive earthquake rocks South Asia near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border [CNN].
  2. The U.S. House of Representatives is set to elect a new Speaker while a the deadline for raising the debt limit looms this week [The Hill].
  3. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says all abortion should be outlawed and compared the procedure to slavery [Washington Post].
  4. The Obama administration calls for a limit on standardized testing in schools [New York Times].
  5. Hillary Clinton is raising the most money in Utah, mostly because a crowded GOP field is splitting donations from the Beehive State [Tribune].
  6. Rep. Mia Love is named to a Congressional panel that will investigate claims that Planned Parenthood is selling human body parts [Utah Policy, Deseret News, Tribune].
  7. Jackie Biskupski's approval ratings among Salt Lake City voters are sky-high while Mayor Ralph Becker's lag behind [Utah Policy].
  8. Utah may start garnishing the bank accounts of residents who owe back taxes [Tribune].
  9. Envision Utah unveils a long-term blueprint for managing the state's growth [Tribune, Deseret News].
  10. Federal prosecutors say they have turned over hundreds of thousands of documents in the case against former Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff [Deseret News, Tribune].

On this day in history:

  • 1825 - The Erie Canal was opened, linking the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean via the Hudson River.
  • 1881 - The gunfight at the O.K. Corral occurred in Tombstone, Arizona.
  • 1972 - National security adviser Henry Kissinger declared "peace is at hand" in Vietnam.
  • 1990 - District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry was sentenced to six months in prison for his conviction on misdemeanor drug charges. Barry became mayor again in 1995.
  • 2001 - The United States passes the USA PATRIOT Act into law.


Today At Utah Policy

Poll: Biskupski's Positive Ratings Dwarf Becker's
By Bryan Schott
If Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker fails to win a third term next week, blame the way the public perceives him....


Chaffetz Defends Gowdy
By Golden Webb
In a Washington Examiner interview, House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz explains why he thinks Rep. Trey Gowdy has done a "wonderful job" chairing the House Select Committee on Benghazi....

Utah Policy/KSL Insider Survey: Will the Utah Legislature Pass Medicaid Expansion?
By Bryan Schott
With the failure of the latest plan for Medicaid expansion, the issue will now wait until the 2016 Legislature for a possible resolution. Our "Political Insiders" think lawmakers will be able to get something done, but they're not expecting more than a small solution....

Tribune's Tommy Burr Announces Candidacy for President of National Press Club
By Jared Whitley, Contributor
While some vice presidents have curtailed their presidential aspiration, there’s one from Utah who’s just getting started....


New Research Attributes Most of Utah's Gender Gap in Wages to Discrimination
By Bryan Schott
Discrimination explains most of the gender wage gap in Utah, according to new research released by Voices for Utah Children....

Policy News


Representative Mia Love Appointed to New Select Investigative Panel
Rep. Mia Love has been selected to be a part of a bi-partisan committee to inquire into the illegal procurement and sale of human body parts, as part of a New Select Investigative Panel....


New Utah Program Aimed at Gifted, Talented Readers in Title I Schools
The Utah State Office of Education announced the creation of the Utah Center for the Advancement of Reading Excellence (UCARE) aimed at improving services for gifted and talented readers in 60 low-income, Title I schools throughout the state....


Hatch Asks CBO to Confirm Treasury Department's Projections as Debt Deadline Nears
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) requested in a letter to Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall that the nonpartisan agency verify the Treasury Department’s projections of daily cash flows as the deadline for the debt ceiling n...


Press Release: Real Food Rising to Become Part of Salt Lake Community Action Program
The Boards of Trustees of Salt Lake Community Action Program and Utahns Against Hunger are very pleased to announce that beginning November 1st, Salt Lake CAP will become the new administrator of Real Food Rising, an urban farming program with a youth development core....

Local Headlines

Salt Lake Tribune

Rolly: Herbert is making policy with eye to the GOP convention

Op-ed: Hughes provides true leadership while Tribune lacks facts

Op-ed: Commissioner deserves credit for solving meat-inspection problem, not blame

Op-ed: Becker has made Salt Lake a national model for cities

Op-ed: Biskupski will fight for, not against, Salt Lake City’s residents

Op-ed: Criminal justice reform means getting smart about crime

Editorial: EPA’s Gold King failure is bigger than one mine

Editorial: The conservative case against the death penalty

Rep. Mia Love named to panel investigating Planned Parenthood

In deep-red Utah, Hillary Clinton winning the money race

UTA, American Fork mayor wage ‘running gunbattle’ over service

Utah guv: EPA will pay for agency’s role in mine spill

States’ rights reign supreme at Utah’s Western Freedom Festival

No. 1 job ranking belongs to Salt Lake area, not just city as Becker claims

UTA, American Fork mayor wage ‘running gunbattle’ over service

To collect back taxes, Utah may force banks to access your account

How Utahns want to change the state by 2050

Deseret News

Frank Pignanelli & LaVarr Webb: Political survey results offer interesting beliefs among Utahns

John Florez: Sexual harassment in the city

Ralph Becker: Working together, we can finish the job

Jackie Biskupski: Salt Lake City needs lasting solutions via new ideas, collective wisdom

Op-ed: Prop 1 not a huge advantage in many Utah towns

Jenet Erickson: Families are the key behind Utah's economic success

Drew Clark: Growing up will be necessary for the next generation of Republicans

Op-ed: A vote for Prop 1 is vote for healthy Utah economy

Editorial: Clarifying the Davis school bond proposal

Editorial: Salt Lake City hosts the World Congress of Families

Editorial: New study shows link between strong families and prosperous states

Rep. Mia Love named to panel investigating Planned Parenthood

City leaders launch efforts to make Salt Lake more 'age friendly'

Lawmakers mull eliminating required legal counsel in some guardianship cases

Health disparities persist among Utah's minorities

Federal agency to consolidate into U.S. courthouse, bring jobs to Salt Lake

Becker, Biskupski enter home stretch leading to Election Day

Feds say they have turned over hundreds of thousands of Shurtleff documents

Who to watch at the World Congress of Families

Envision Utah to unveil blueprint for 2050


Editorial: Proposition 1: Good idea, bad legislation (Daily Herald)

Rep. David Lifferth announces run for Utah senate seat (Daily Herald)

Taking a look at Prop 1: Utah County to vote on sales tax proposal (Daily Herald)

Women and the gender pay gap: Why does Utah score so low? (Daily Herald)

Op-ed: Proposition 1 is an investment in our economy, quality of life (Standard-Examiner)

Op-ed: Proposition 1 allows UTA to waste more money (Standard-Examiner)

Editorial: If the 1st gang injunction didn't work, neither will a 2nd (Standard-Examiner)

PCSD bond debated once more as Election Day closes in (Park Record)

David Ure named new SITLA director (Park Record)

National Headlines

GOP moneymen: Ryan a fundraising juggernaut (Politico)

When Donald Trump Hated Ronald Reagan (Politico)

Gowdy: Clinton's answers not accurate (The Hill)

Carson doubling down on Holocaust comments (The Hill)

Trump says world a better place if Saddam, Kadhafi still ruled (AFP)

Why Voters May Not Actually Care That Bernie Sanders Calls Himself a Socialist (VICE)

Bernie Sanders sure sounded as if he was running a negative campaign (Chicago Tribune)

Biden: No truth to stories of Beau's dying wish (USA Today)

Ben Carson would 'love' to see abortion outlawed (Al Jazeera)

Why some on Medicare, but not all, will be hit so hard (Pittsburgh-Post Gazette)

Supporters In Congress Make New Attempt To Revive The Export-Import Bank (NPR)