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Lee Introduces Resolution Calling on President Obama to Submit Climate Deal to Senate as A Treaty

Friday, November 20, 2015 - 10:45am
Senator Mike Lee

Lee Introduces Resolution Calling on President Obama to Submit Climate Deal to Senate as A Treaty


WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced a resolution, S. Con. Res. 25, calling on President Obama to seek the Senate’s advice and consent on whatever climate agreement is produced in Paris, as required by Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The resolution has 30 original cosponsors.


“The statements made by the Executive Branch to the Senate during Senate consideration of the Convention [i.e., the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change] and set forth in Executive Report 102–55 remain valid and in force,” the resolution reads; “and, accordingly, any agreement adopted at COP–21 [i.e., the Paris climate conference] containing targets and timetables […] must be submitted to the Senate for advice and consent pursuant to Article II, section 2 of the Constitution.”


A companion resolution will be introduced in the House by Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA) and Bill Flores (R-TX).


At a recent speech at the Heritage Foundation, Senator Lee addressed the Obama administration’s claims that the Paris climate agreement should not be considered a treaty. The speech can be read here.


The Paris climate deal is also expected to obligate the United States to transfer billions of dollars to developing nations in future years, well past Obama’s term in the White House. Senator Lee explains the problems with President Obama’s “climate finance” pledges in an essay at National Review Online, which can be read here.


You can read a full copy of Senate Resolution 25 here.