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Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015 - 11:15am
Utah Policy

Ten Things You Need to Know Today - Friday, November 20, 2015

Good Friday morning from Salt Lake City. There are 41 days left in 2015.

Congress approves tougher screening for Syrian refugees. Utahns still say Ben Carson is their top pick in the GOP race. Randy Horiuchi passes away.

The clock:

  • 66 days to the opening day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (1/25/2016)
  • 73 days to the 2016 Iowa Caucus - (2/1/2016)
  • 81 days to the 2016 New Hampshire Primary (tentative) - (2/9/2016)
  • 112 days to the final day of the 2016 Utah Legislature - (3/10/2016)
  • 123 days to the Utah Republican and Democratic caucus meetings (3/22/2016)
  • 155 days to the Utah Republican and Democratic State Conventions (4/23/2016)
  • 222 days to the 2016 Utah primary election - (6/28/2016)
  • 354 days until the 2016 presidential election - (11/8/2016)

Friday's top-10 headlines:

  1. Congress approves a tougher screening for Syrian refugees despite a veto threat from President Obama [New York Times].
  2. Republican presidential candidates sharpen their rhetoric about Muslims in the United States [Washington Post].
  3. United Healthcare says they may leave the Obamacare health exchanges within the next two years because of rising costs [The Hill].
  4. Utahns still say neurosurgeon Ben Carson is their top pick for the 2016 GOP nomination [Utah Policy].
  5. Former Salt Lake County Councilman and longtime Democratic Party activist Randy Horiuchi dies at the age of 61 [2 News, ABC 4, Fox 13Deseret News, Tribune].
  6. Rep. Mia Love endorses Marco Rubio for president [Utah Policy, Deseret NewsTribune].
  7. Seven candidates have jumped into the race to replace outgoing Sen. Aaron Osmond, who is resigning to head up the Utah College of Applied Technology [2 News].
  8. More resignations from the Utah Transit Authority board may be coming, but officials say they are not related to a recent trip to Switzerland that was kept out of the public eye [Tribune, 2 News, Deseret News].
  9. Starbucks has asked for a license to serve beer and wine at five Utah stores [Fox 13, Tribune].
  10. The FBI clears Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams in their investigation into allegations made by former Rep. Justin Miller [Tribune, Fox 13].

On this day in history:

  • 1789 - New Jersey became the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.
  • 1945 - 24 German leaders went on trial at Nuremberg before the International War Crimes Tribunal.
  • 1969 - The Nixon administration announced a halt to residential use of the pesticide DDT as part of a total phase-out.
  • 1985 - The first version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 1.0, was released.
  • 2002 - President George W. Bush called for a "coalition of the willing" to help the United States disarm Iraq if necessary.


Today At Utah Policy

Utahns and Utah Republicans say Ben Carson is Their Top Presidential Pick
By Bryan Schott
Neurosurgeon Ben Carson leads the GOP field in Utah....

Bob Bernick's Notebook: Setting the Stage for Biskupski
By Bob Bernick
Congratulations to Jackie Biskupski, now officially the new Salt Lake City mayor....

Bernick and Schott on Politics - Episode #263
By Bob Bernick and Bryan Schott
Jackie Biskupski is officially the next mayor of Salt Lake City. While her victory is historic, what are some of the challenges that await her when she takes the job?...

Bernick and Schott on Politics - Podcast #263
By Bob Bernick and Bryan Schott
Bob Bernick and Bryan Schott run down the week in Utah politics....


Reid Under Scrutiny by Utah Attorney
By Golden Webb
Sen. Harry Reid is unhappy with Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings, who's opened an investigation into the Senate Minority Leader's connections to the Mark Shurtleff public corruption case. Reid accuses Rawlings of floating "unsubstantiated allegations" to advance his polit...


Love Backs Rubio
By Golden Webb
In an appearance on FOX News, Rep. Mia Love announces her endorsement of Sen. Marco Rubio for president, citing her confidence in his national security credentials....

Policy News


Casual Friday: Weekend Events & Outdoors Report
Outdoor Notes--Tribune: Recreation: Ten ideas for outdoor holiday adventure-- For the latest wildlife news and information and the fishing report visit the?DWR websiteWeekend EventsNew Films-- By the Sea: Tribune review -- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2: Tribune r...


Press Release: Rep. Mia Love Seeks to Extend Veteran Benefits, End Repayment Requirement
Representative Mia Love (UT-04) is proud to sponsor a new bill that would change a federal law that currently requires a Veteran’s family to repay benefits dispersed during the month of a recipient’s death.  ...


Chaffetz Applauds Passage of Fed Oversight Legislation
Thursday Congressman Jason Chaffetz released the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 3189, the Fed Oversight Reform and Modernization Act. This bill enacts reforms that require more openness and transparency at the Federal Reserve and includes au...


Senators Hatch, Lee, Cruz, Perdue, and Paul Introduce Bill to Strengthen Criminal Intent Protections
Senate Judiciary Committee members Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; Mike Lee, R-Utah; Ted Cruz, R-Texas; and David Perdue, R-Ga., together with Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced legislation to strengthen criminal intent protections in federal law....


USU Awarded $7.6 Million Grant for Fatherhood Education
Utah State University was recently awarded a $7.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Family Assistance. The grant will be distributed over a five-year period and will fund relationship and fatherhood education programs....

Local Headlines

Salt Lake Tribune

Editorial: Utah too comfortable with its deal with the carbon devil

Did Trump spokeswoman misspeak? She says feds shut down ‘Mormon churches’

Rep. Mia Love endorses Marco Rubio for president

FBI clears Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams in contracts probe

Rolly: Mormon congregation at BYU-Idaho scraps plans for gay-conversion-therapy discussion

Utah refinery to get new pollution controls as part of federal settlement

Want a beer with your latte? Starbucks seeks liquor license in Utah

UTA resignations by Killpack, Allen may be coming

Enthusiastic, charismatic Utah politician Randy Horiuchi dies at age 61

Deseret News

Natalie Gochnour: Mayor Biskupski should provide statewide leadership

Peter Corroon: Is Utah the best managed state?

Greg Bell: Baby boomers should assist in societal transition to younger generations

Editorial: Concerns over allowing Syrian refugees into U.S. are understandable, but …

Gov. Gary Herbert considering special legislative session on election issues

Utah ranks as national leader in wage growth, expansion

Duchesne County recorder charged with assault

Rep. Mia Love endorses Marco Rubio for president

Utah House speaker says UTA resignations not related to Switzerland trip

Former Gov. Leavitt warns action needed soon on taxes

Longtime Salt Lake County Councilman Randy Horiuchi dies at age 61


Role reversal: Lindon industry concerned with encroaching residential homes (Daily Herald)

Weber County's 2016 budget indicates future hurdles (Standard-Examiner)

Electric bus makes stop in Ogden as UTA seeks to purchase six (Standard-Examiner)

Syracuse, Farmington request recount after canvass flips results (Standard-Examiner)

National Headlines

White House scrambles to regain control of refugee debate (Politico)

What we've learned about Paul Ryan (Politico)

House defies Obama, approves bill halting Syrian refugees (The Hill)

Late lobbying against refugee bill backfires on the White House (The Hill)

IS determined to produce chemical weapons (Associated Press)

L.A.'s chronic homelessness population is largest in the nation (Los Angeles Times)

Trump would 'certainly implement' national database for U.S. Muslims (CNN)

Sanders cites American icons in defense of 'democratic socialism' (CNN)

Hillary Clinton: 'Gun Violence Is a National Emergency' (Newsweek)

Carson campaign redraws map of U.S. (CNN)

Carson to file paperwork for New Hampshire primary (Associated Press)