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Gov. Herbert to Gather Ballot Petition Signatures, Continues to Refuse to Debate

Monday, January 25, 2016 - 11:15am

PRESS RELEASE: Gov. Herbert to Gather Ballot Petition Signatures, Continues to Refuse to Debate 

Sasha Clark 
Director of Communications
M: (801) 719-1575

“Gov. Herbert to buy his spot on the primary ballot while refusing to debate.”

January 18, 2016 – Salt Lake City, Utah – Two weeks ago, the Johnson for Governor campaign issued a statement saying it would not engage in the S.B 54 signature petition process to get place on the Republican primary ballot, but instead focus on the caucus-convention system and meet and talk directly with Utahns.

This past Friday afternoon, Gov. Herbert submitted his "Intent to Gather Signatures" form to the Lt. Governor's office. As of Monday afternoon, Gov. Herbert had yet to answer numerous calls, most from millennials, to debate on Jan. 22nd at Utah Valley University. 

As a possible explanation of these actions, Sasha Clark, communications director for Jonathan Johnson stated, "Gov. Herbert has decided to buy his spot on the ballot. He must be concerned Jonathan will beat him at the convention. I can see why: we have an excellent campaign going and we are thrilled at the momentum. 

Clark continued: "It is disheartening for Utahns that Gov. Herbert has opted to pay a company to gather signatures for him and, at the same time, continues to refuse to debate Jonathan. This essentially means Gov. Herbert can hide in his campaign office and still purchase a spot on the ballot. That’s not the Utah way.”
Jonathan Johnson commented on the caucus-convention process saying, "I’ve been part of the convention process for many years as a delegate and now as a candidate. The process works well in the selection of our candidates. Even if Gov. Herbert won’t engage in an open discussion of the issues, I’ll continue to work hard building meaningful relationships with Utahns throughout the state. That’s the Utah way."